Banyan Hypnosis Center Graduates of 2016
Some photos on this page do not contain all of the students from each class.
All photos taken at our office or school unless noted otherwise
All feedback from students is used with their written permission.
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
Inset individual photos are photos of the online students who attended this course live.
November 2016 Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
Inset individual photos are photos of the online students who attended this course live.
October 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“Fantastic course! Fantastic experience! Cal Banyan is a masterful instructor who made the course very enjoyable. The course could not have been put together any better. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in hypnosis, psychology or anyone interested in understanding the subconscious mind.” Leon Salem, MD, Los Alamitos, CA
“This course is more than I imagined it would be. Cal is a great instructor and is very detailed oriented. I now know that hypnotizing is a viable form of helping everyday people with everyday problems. I feel excited to apply what I have learned immediately and give back to my community. Now I can see why the Banyan Hypnosis Center is the leader in Hypnosis training.” Tyme Lewis, Trinidad, CA
“This class, Cal, have changed my life. I am not the same Rita prior to these 10 days. I have learned things about myself that have opened my heart, that have answered life long questions. How can a Thank You be sufficient enough? My way to say thank you is to help in the mission of raising the profession of hypnotherapy to a new level, to teach, to speak, to be the best hypnotherapist that I can be.” Rita Faith MacRae, M. Ed., LPN, South Windsor, CT
“Awesome! Amazing! Cal was born to do exactly what he’s doing. A genius of systems and thankfully, the system he proliferated was hypnosis. The big bang of using hypnosis to bring you and the people you do hypnosis with (your clients) into the Aquarian Age. Profound Thank you!” Marilyn Sjaastad, MA, MS, Bismarck, ND
“The course is transformational, both as learning a new skill and as a personal growth experience. The 7th Path process effortlessly helps transform negative emotions into positive emotions. Cal, the instructor, is an inspiration. He has mastered his craft and it is a joy to learn from this master.” Sunil Sharma, Ph. D., Chandler, AZ
“This course is life changing, when you graduate, you are ready to open your own practice. Cal and Maureen are amazing. They give you the skills to tackle any problem that may come up.” Susan Piscitelli, New Hartford, CT
“This course blew my mind away, it gave me the confidence to walk out of the classroom and right into my own practice. Not only that, the teaching of 7th Path gave me inner peace and guidance. I am so thankful for this course and for the amazing humans who run it. I have what I need and so much more to succeed.” Sophia Piscitelli, New Hartford, CT
“I simply cannot express in words how important and life-changing this class is. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive to have found it, and I can’t thank you all enough for this experience.” Trevor Aycox, Plano, TX
“This is not only a seminar about how to do hypnotherapy, it’s also a personal transformation which came unexpected and which I’m very thankful for. Thank you Cal, for not holding anything back and for making this experience so special, informative and entertaining at the same time.” Daniel Schwarz, Stuttgart, Germany
“All I need to say is this course is life changing. The world needs to know about it, make the Call!” Vaughn Brotton, BA, La Verne, CA.
“This course helped me to understand more about the difference between the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. According to these concepts, I will be able to do hypnosis with compassion.” Joyce Yang, MA, Diamond Bar, CA
“Wow! This is life changing, plus it’s a way to earn an income. If you can attend, come! You will be forever grateful.” Karen Oberg, BS, Bismarck, ND
“It was a very busy, very informative, very advanced course. The system is amazing. The instructor is a REAL teacher! Thanks a lot!!” Alexey Ananishnov, St. Petersburg, Russia
“I cannot think of a better instructor for my hypnosis training. Straightforward and passionate, Cal Banyan gifted me with knowledge and expertise into the 5-PATH and 7th Path hypnosis. I feel blessed and proud to be part of it as my life keeps transforming and unfolding. Thank you, Cal and Maureen!” Karen Noack, Cordoba, Argentina
“This course was transformative in a way I was not expecting!! Not only have I just completed the most cutting edge hypnosis course with the best instructor in the field of hypnosis, but, I also gained self confidence in myself and my abilities. The 7th Path self-hypnosis helped me to remove the emotional blocks that I was having in regards to my self-worth and self-efficacy. Now I have top-notch skills, self-confidence in who I am as a counselor and what I can offer my clients, and a roadmap to success! Thanks Cal! A truly life changing experience!!” Ashlie Brown, M. Ed., LPC, Houston, TX
Age Regression Certification Course NGH 2016
August 2016
Held in Marlborough, MA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“Absolutely amazing class! I love Calvin’s step by step training, I had an opportunity to practice every step from beginning till the end. Calvin closed observed all the practices and pointed out on the words, tonality, even little things like speed of the sentence. I feel confident to start age regression with my clients right away.
Age Regression training is a life changing experience for the clients! Thank you so much!”
Olga Privina, CH, Boston, MA
“Provides really solid grounding for any age regression. Also appreciated the 5-PATH® Induction – possibly the best I’ve ever learnt. Clear, specific instructions and lots of practice! Useful both for newbies and seasoned old-timers.” Lee Pascoe, BCH, CI, Normandy, France
“I received Cal’s years and years of experience and unparalleled expertise in the area of Age Regression distilled and delivered in 3 days. I liked the way he presented the course.” Ajay B. Pande, BSc, MBA, Switzerland
“Wonderful, thank you!” Donna Kelley, CH, Boston, MA
“Great topic for developing hypnotists. Really going to improve my practice.” Rhonda Waters, CI, Phd., Boston, MA
“Calvin Banyan has developed a hypnotic system that is a step up from other systems. It is the system that most hypnotists will use in the future!” David M Heon, BS, RNC, MHC
“Enjoyed Cal’s complete and detailed explanation, thanks!” Bonnie Jackson, PT, CH., Boston, MA
“Calvin’s unique and creative style showed through over the entire three days. His analogies and diagrams greatly enhanced my learning. The course manual seems very informative and complete. There were lots of time to practice the various inductions and Age Regression techniques presented. Could have used even more time to fully assimilate the material.” Ron Venning, CH, BA, Toronto, Canada
“This course is a “must-take” for any serious hypnotist. I’m going home and calling my previous clients so we can finish the work we started. Thank you, Cal” Taylor McGloin, USMC Vet, CH, Connecticut
“The course is extremely detailed and the many practices during the 3 days leave no room for failure! Calvin is so passionate that the long days pass so quickly. He is also very concerned about all participants to leave with full knowledge, understanding and confidence.
Thank you very much. I go back home happy and impatient to use the course at the first upcoming session.”
Virginie Desplaces, CH, Dubai, UAE
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
July 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“The experience of taking this course is life changing. Taking you from a place of not knowing if this course can make positive changes in you to experiencing some of those changes immediately and know this is a tool you can use always and forever.” Anna Quackenbush, Newark, DE
“Calvin Banyan has created a wonderfully comprehensive course for learning advanced hypnosis techniques. This course exceeded all of my highest expectations. I have completed this course looking forward to a fulfilling career in teaching and helping others to overcome their obstacles, achieving goals and having their dreams realized.” Annabelle Edman, Provo, UT
“I came to the Banyan Hypnosis Super Course to learn Age Regression for real, so I’m able to really help solve people’s problems and not just cover them.
And I really have to say that I’ve learned far more! I was impressed at how professionally structured and sophisticated the course is. It’s a lot of work but, really worth it. You really know you’ve learned and achieved something and the good practice in class gives confidence to start right away seeing and helping clients! I really recommend this course to anybody interested in hypnotherapy. Thanks for the good time and good training!”
Patrick Freischlag, Germany
“Absolutely the most rewarding, insightful, entertaining, intense, transforming, empowering and connecting ten days [of my life]! The instruction (and storytelling) far exceeded my expectations.
I am truly grateful to Cal and Maureen Banyan.”
Gayle Mathis, BA, Hawaii
“The Banyan Hypnosis Center exceeded my expectations – it’s worth every penny, the training is real hands-on.” Alejandra Maizuss, Los Angeles, CA.
“This class has been absolutely wonderful, life changing even.” Ramona Robinson, Wilmington, DE
“The course was definitely out of my comfort zone, however, I found it interesting. The course requires two weeks of hard work, but, at the end you will become a member of the few hypnotists who know what he/she is doing.” Medhi Asgarinejad, Irvine, CA.
“This course was way more than I expected. I came here to learn hypnosis and left feeling like I learned so much more. Classes are long and you’re always learning, but, it’s well worth the time.” Bryan Bates, Blue Jay, CA.
“Rigorous and complete (think hypnosis boot camp). Cal Banyan’s 5-PATH® hypnosis helps clients achieve amazing levels of personal transformation and more amazing is that he has synthesized his technique into a teachable and reproducible system. I wish I had learned this in medical school.” Gideon Strich, M.D. Tustin, CA.
“Full of content and I learned a lot. I really enjoyed the practice sessions and benefited a great deal from them.” Linda Acker, Mission Viejo, CA.
“The power of the 5-PATH, and 7th Path [systems] is only exceeded by the intensity of the instructor.” David Ungerer, Hawthorne, CA.
“This course is very complete and comprehensive, it exceeded all of my expectations. I would recommend anyone who wants to be a professional hypnotist to take this course.” Donnie R. Hooker, LPN/LVN, Royse City, TX
“Spellbinding” intense training, but, worth every bit of the “mud, blood and beer”. Well worth it!” Cody Berry, Fountain Valley, CA.
“After taking this course, I learned to reduce stress in my life. I look at things in a whole new light. I realize that I can change the way I react in situations which will not leave me physically drained. I recommend this course to everyone.” Tammy Homen, Esq. Mission Viejo, CA
“Cal and Maureen are part of a dying breed of hard working and passionate individuals, who have a desire and drive to help people. Taking this class is like hypnosis on steroids. Cal is one of the top hypnotists in the world and has what seems to be unlimited knowledge to share with his students. Taking this course was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Nicklas Metcalf, BS, Bettendorf, IA - "Attended Course Live Online"
CPHI - Train the Trainer
June 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
Inset individual photos are photos of the online students who attended this course live.
“Over the past 2 ½ years, I have grown increasingly interested on becoming a CPHI as my 5-PATH skills have grown to nearly 90% of my work with clients. Their attention to details, professionalism and support has helped me realize that I do not have to reinvent the wheel, by doing my own thing when this thing works so very well.
Cal & Maureen, thanks for continuing to elevate our profession!”
Roberta Fernandez, BCH, CPHI, CPHI, Eden Prairie, MN.
“As always, Cal’s training is extremely helpful, amazing and formatted in a way to get started with great confidence.
Thank you for all the great support in many formats and the awesome office support. Abby is amazing with keeping up with Cal’s pace and keeping the Online group updated timely with all the documents, etc.”
Marcella Hilferty, MBA, CPHI, Easton, PA - "Attended Course Live Online"
“I was quite pleased with taking this Instructor’s refresher course because a lot of things have changed since I’ve done this training – for example: the new model of the mind – I just love how detailed it is and it makes a lot more sense with regards to helping clients. Giving this information to the students will be very beneficial. Ideas on how to present the products and when was great! As well as the X M E F B explanation. I already had the forms but this will really help me teaching it in class. This class was very informative. It will certainly help me to be an even better instructor for sure!
Also the information from Maureen – she highlighted a couple of things that I can improve on – bringing it to the forefront in my mind, like contributing on the yahoo groups and classes having their own email exchange!
Thanks so much Cal & Maureen!”
Peggy Kelly, CPHI, Toronto, Canada - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Thank you for a very nice and informative course. I got a lot of inspiration on how to teach in the future. And thanks to constant evolving things, I really Like the new model of the mind and the 5-PATH induction. Also many thanks for the story about 7 Path, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to teach this stuff and looking forward to train a lot of people in the future.
Thanks Cal and Maureen for all the things you do to make 5-PATH so great.”
Benny Vadmand, CPHI, Denmark - "Attended Course Live Online"
The Week of Power - Advanced Hypnosis Certification with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
May 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“It’s magical in any profession when a leader emerges who perfectly synthesizes education, experience, research, inspiration, intention, expertise, technique and caring. Cal Banyan is that one person in our profession of hypnosis. His inspired products, mostly embodied in 5-PATH and 7th Path, have brought the profession to its modern benchmark of excellence. Learn these systems, advance the profession, help your clients. Make the world a better place.” William E. Crandell, BA, MBA, CMA, Maj. (Retired), CH. Houston, TX
“The Week of Power delivers much more than it promises. The wealth of information, tools and techniques will not only elevate your understanding of hypnosis and 5-PATH, it will take you on a journey of personal growth.” Amanda Ferguson, BS, CH. Chelmsford, MA
“This course was intensive, highly structured and created a high level of Advanced Skills. The opportunity to spend a week with other dedicated professionals learning and practicing new skills was invaluable. The teaching was dynamic and many insights on multiple levels were reached/discovered by many.” Susan Strickland, BA (Hons.) PGLE, MAPHP, MNCH, Bedfordshire, UK
“This course was excellent for me, the technique is really good, now I feel more confident and secure. Thank you!” Pamela Farias, CH, Houston, TX
“A little bit of courage is needed, but the insights you gain about yourself and our profession are infinite.” Angie Bender, CH, Vancouver, CANADA
“If you want essential tools for your hypnotherapy practice to handle any issue your clients may bring to you, then that this class. If you want to experience essential personal emotional transformation, then take this class. If you’re ready to take everything in your professional life to a new level, then take this class.” Sarah Becker, CH, Middleburg, VA.
“Excellent training for the accomplished hypnotist as well as novice. Presented in a “boot camp” form, so be ready for a lot of good information and high standards. 7th Path is equally rewarding.” Beverly Craddock, MBA, MH, CH, Honolulu, HI
“I was excited with anticipation to learn 5-PATH, so it was a revelation, a delightful one, to learn and experience 7th Path, 5-PATH will change my professional expertise by 100% but, 7th Path will change my life. Thank you, Cal Banyan for all you created and passed on to us.” Jane Hernandez, BS, CHt, San Francisco, CA.
“Excellent content. Very well experienced instructor. Lots of things to go over, very helpful for every hypnotist, especially if you are struggling or are looking to really succeed in the field.
Cal Banyan, the instructor has a lot of knowledge, in my opinion, one of the best around and has passion for teaching. His method is very strict. I would prefer if he can be a little more soft with students in general as it would be a little intimidating.”
Ana Lucia Urteaga, CH, Miami, FL.
“5-PATH is an important and effective method to learn whether you are a beginning or advanced Hypnotist. Integrating 7th Path into the process makes the experience even more powerful for your clients.” Jessica Rigal, LMSA, C-HB, CH, Fort Pierce, FL.
“This is not your average hypnosis training course. It will take you to your limits as a student and aspiring or continuing hypnotist. The level of organization and quality of training will make a valuable return on your investment of time and money. Thank you, Cal and Maureen for an amazing experience.” William D. Beasley, CH, San Francisco, CA.
“I highly recommend this course to any hypnotherapist who wants to do great work and achieve success with clients. I learnt so much in this one week. Amazing instructor, great learning and lots of practice sessions. This is an experience not to be missed. This program gets to the root cause of the client’s issues and prepares you mentally, physically and emotionally to confidently use the 5-PATH process which works to get to the root cause of the client’s issues.” Shanti Chainani, CH, Singapore
“This will fill the nooks and crannies of your life’s path and will generate an exciting momentum to expand with success.” Iliana Markou, CH, Belleair, FL
“Cal provided insightful and very applicable assistance and tools in enhancing my hypnosis practice.” Corey Schoff, CH, New Orleans, LA
“The course provides structure and language for hypnotists looking for direction, both for their practice and their own personal journeys.
The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis is a unique tool and technique for consciousness raising an awareness.
Everyone in the helping and healing arts is in need of the community the Banyans have developed, a bumper crop!”
Cecilia Bergstein, CH, Manorville, NY
“This course has been a profound experience, in particular, learning the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis. This process will be something powerful that I will bring to my clients.” Donna Kovacs, CHT, Melbourne, Australia
“5-PATH will be a great addition to your practice.” Kaeli Reed, CH, Costa Mesa, CA.
“If you’ve done the DVD training course in the past, adding the Week of Power is a Must. Working directly with Cal and learning with others is powerful, grueling and career-changing.” Randy Hampton, BS, CH, Honolulu, HI
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher Certification Course
(Full Forms 1 to 9)
May 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“I cannot even begin to find words to describe the first 2 days of a 3 day 7th Path class - like all those numbers? That kind of sums it up, actually. Ha - pun not intended! The flood gates are wide open after getting 9 recognitions in 2 days (and some long forms to boot) - a drink with a fire hose. At the moment it's happening it feels very clear, but trying to recall the details of my experience hours later, not so much. But the details don't matter, it's the experience as a whole that is phenomenal.
Here's what I can tell you with certainty though: It's been the most exhilarating, courageous, terrifying, rewarding, sad, angry, hopeful, freeing experience of my life. I dread and can hardly wait for tomorrow all at once! Our last session was over 2 straight hours of focus and you'd think I'd be exhausted. I'm not. While this is perhaps not a gentle way to learn 7th Path, for me it has been a life changing experience. (I do not use these words lightly.)
I know I have much more work to do, and I am looking forward to focusing on one recognition a week. Knowing what is to come for me is a good thing, as I tend to be impatient with slow progress. I feel it will be easier for me to have the patience and resolve I need - especially now that I've gotten some of the BIG, ginormous things out of the way. If I had to go 2 months or more with all of the feelings I had come up in the last 48 hours, not knowing how long it would be before I could find the peace I needed, well, I'm just happy that I am here!
For those of you that are not 7th Path trained, I strongly encourage you to consider this if Cal offers this class again. I have no doubt that this is already changing me and the way I will practice in the future. The first thing I will do back at the office is offer a class to my previous clients. I had no idea what they were missing by not having this tool in my toolbox.”
Roberta Fernandez, Eden Prairie, MN
“This class has been everything and more than what I expected. I would recommend that anyone who has not taken this class, it is a must. I am now more confident in who I am and what I do. I am more than overly excited to go back home and use this with my clients as well as starting a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis group.
I now know I have everything I need to be successful in my own life and practice
Thank you for this opportunity! Now I am free to be me!”
Brenda Miller, Webster, MN.
“I recently took the 3 day 7th Path class as a review. I was looking for more information that would be helpful in my classes. Since the class was just on 7th Path, Cal went over additional info that I didn't have when I originally took the class. Thanks for offering this class. Great review (plus some new info) for others who have already taken the 7th Path class. Love being able to take it online! They have the logistics of online classes down to a smooth science!” Debra George, Oxford, PA. - "Attended Course Live Online"
“I would like to add to the other participants’ comments and say that the three day 7th Path course was an amazing experience for me. Not only was it a time of learning, but also one of personal transformation. I found the two-hour self-hypnosis session on the second day to be particularly powerful. I’m still assimilating some of it. It was certainly a lot to take in in three days.
I look forward to getting some 7th Path books so that I can begin to teach it to my clients. Cal says that he now teaches it to all of his clients, not just to those who say that they are spiritual on the intake. I agree with this and will teach it to all of my 5 PATH clients as well. I think, though, that 7th Path is a particularly excellent practice as a compliment to traditional spiritual practices, which aren’t complete. Traditional contemplative spiritual practices such as Zen, Vedanta, or contemplative prayer are thousands of years old and are very valuable in their ability to teach us how to wake up. However, they don’t teach us how to grow up. 7th Path is unique in that it is a spiritual practice that helps the practitioner grow up by neutralizing negative emotional events of the past, many of which are beneath the level of conscious awareness. It’s amazing that all of that can happen in the privacy of the mind of the practitioner. Very powerful indeed!
Thank you Donna for bugging Cal to do this class and for pulling us all together! Thank you Maureen and Abby for making it happen so smoothly behind the scenes! And, of course, thank you Cal for developing and teaching us this wonderful system!”
Paul Bishop, Lexington, KY - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Hi Cal,
I would like to reiterate everything that has already been so well documented by my colleagues on the course.
The experience, in terms of content and personal change, far exceeded my expectations which were already high.
The goal now is to afford my clients the opportunity of changing their lives with 7th path.
Many thanks to Maureen and Abby for making the On-Line process so smooth and interactive, and finally, once again,
Thank You Cal.”
Neil Pickering, London, U.K. - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Hi Cal,
I have had to take some time to process my experience of the 3 Day 7th Path Teacher training. I find that being a walking contradiction (open minded yet skeptical at the same time!) It takes me a while to get my head around things.
Upon receiving the full forms, I really felt the power of this process. The speed of ascension is turbo charged, yet you only ever go as quickly as you are meant to go.
I already feel calmer, more centered, in control and think clearer. I can feel that excess stress and tension has left my body. I believe that if I maintain this, then I will not have to suffer from another migraine headache again! I am amazed at how well I coped with the lack of sleep (the class began at 2am my time) which in the past has been a trigger for the migraines. I feel motivated to keep up the 7th Path practice. It is definitely more powerful than meditation. I enjoy the fact that it is an active process which keeps me engaged, involved, and intrigued as to what echo I will receive next. This process of insight/self-discovery is truly transformative.
I wish to thank Donna for organizing this, Abby and Maureen for all of the online support, my fellow classmates for sharing their experiences, and most importantly, I wish to give a big thank you to Cal. Without you, none of this would be possible.”
Anna Siljama, Melbourne, Australia - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Hi Cal,
I personally wanted to Thank You” again for hosting this class. It was wonderful to be held in that energy for 3 days. It challenged and pushed me to new limits. I now understand first-hand what my fellow 5-Path colleagues have been experiencing, 7th Path is a spiritual gift and meant to be shared!!! If you are not 7thPath Teacher certified, get the basic CD program and consider this for yourself and your practice. You just may be pleasantly surprised.
As I shared in class, I wanted to learn 7th Path for three reasons – personally, spiritually and professionally. Well Cal, the class already greatly assisted one of my clients in a profound way. Let me explain. During the class you facilitated a process/healing for someone – a bit of time tunneling and informed child. You had a very unique approach and used insight that I never would have thought to use. I used that exact approach with a 5-PATH client and she emerged feeling lighter and so much more peaceful. Her insight was it is OK to allow herself to be vulnerable and open to new relationships – it was a huge step for this weight loss client. She danced around my office after the session because she felt safe to be childlike!
Our 3-day class already had a positive ripple effect!
Thank you to my classmates for being authentic and willing to share.
Much love and gratitude,”
Donna Bloom, Long Island, NY - "Attended Course Live Online"
Advanced 5-PATH® Certification Course
March 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“Excellent intensive two-day course bringing us up-to-date with the latest 5-PATH methods and much more!
Cal bares all by analyzing all stages of 5-PATH with a difficult client – step-by-step. This course is a Must for any 5-PATHer who wants to perfect the art and give their clients the best!”
Bob Bees, East Sussex, U.K.
“This was an excellent opportunity to both review my 5-PATH skills and to learn them at a far deeper level. A highlight was watching session videos where Cal carefully reviewed advanced techniques that are not available in other formats. It was also rewarding to attend the class with fellow 5-PATHers who are really “doing the work”, thank you.” Brenda Titus, MA, Tustin, CA
“I am really happy I took the course! So much more insight than ever before! This class gives me so much confidence to go out and help my clients succeed in becoming happy. Thank you for allowing us to see inside your brain.” Carol Dao, Garden Grove, CA
“This class offers many insights that would not be found or learned by not taking the class. Watching Cal as he conducts sessions with Lindsay, who is less than insightful client, requiring quite a lot of coaching, was both interesting and helpful.
I believe if you are serious about taking your learning and hypnosis practice to a higher level – but, even more than that - if you want to develop your 5-PATH® sessions – then this class offers you the opportunity to watch the Master himself, Cal Banyan, conducting a full 5-PATH® series of sessions, complete with narrative of how he was thinking at the time. This is priceless.”
Susan A. Mundy, B. Sc. Psyc. C.C.H. Australia - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Thanks for greater detail that surely will lead to more satisfied clients. Also great for more 5-PATH installed right into your subconscious.” Andrey Efremov, MD, Moscow, Russia - "Attended Course Live Online"
“I found this class to be extremely beneficial. Although I already had the fundamentals of 5-PATH, this really helped me feel more confident, and answered questions I had.
I enjoyed the convenience of being able to attend this class remotely and found it interactive and interesting. Cal is a great teacher and his sincerity in helping his student be their best is evident.”
Laura Rude, Seattle, WA - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Cal is a master of hypnosis. His level of expertise far exceeds anything I’ve been exposed to. The tips, insights and aha moments are more than worth taking the course! I will use this training in every phase with every client going forward. If you are on the fence about taking this training, jump on it!” Shannon Wallace, Bellingham, WA - "Attended Course Live Online"
“Except for videos, I had previously not had the opportunity to receive training from Cal directly. OMGosh what a difference it makes. I have learned so much in just 1-1/2 days. I would recommend this class for any 5-PATHer who truly cares about being the best. This training will exceed your expectations.” Judith Auslander, MA, MAIS, CLC, Portland, OR - "Attended Course Live Online"
“This was a very informative class. I have learned new material and have a deeper understanding of material I am familiar with. Cal Banyan is engaging and knowledgeable. I leave this class with an increased confidence and knowledge base.” Denese Boyd, B.S., M.A., Monroe, LA - "Attended Course Live Online"
Advanced 5-PATH® Certification Course
February 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“The Advanced 5-PATH class was worth its weight in gold. I attended because of the unique opportunity to study with Cal at a higher level of learning and to learn aside with respected colleagues. The class was synergistic and empowering. My goal was to learn Cal’s techniques at a deeper level, now that I am an experienced hypnotist. I also wanted to be more efficient with time management in my sessions. Mission accomplished! The class was chock-full golden nuggets of wisdom. He pointed out things I did not even realize I was doing it efficiently and even wrong. I already see the improvements in my first two clients since the class. The class was so good no one wanted it to end. It is so comforting to know even though I’m a sole practitioner working alone in my office, that I am not alone on this journey. Resources are all around, articles in the 5-PATH® Journal, Cal’s free training podcasts, the Yahoo messenger board or even private emails to adored colleagues, there is always someone to assist. I highly recommend this class to any 5-PATHer serious about developing their practice enhancing their session skills. You will be glad to have made the investment.
Thank you Cal and Maureen for your leadership and guidance.”
Donna Bloom, BCH, Long Island, NY
“I loved this Advanced 5-PATH course. It was full of techniques and details and watching a Master at work, but, what I really appreciated was understanding the thought process behind WHY – Why certain choices were made, and what he (Cal) was thinking to get an even deeper understanding of this work and how we can help people. As a result of this course, I am going to be more efficient and effective when working with clients and reinforce that there’s always more to learn. Thank you, this class was a great idea and I’m so glad I took it.” Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, Bellingham, WA
“I had very high expectations for this class, and as always, Cal exceeded my expectations on every single level. I’ll walk out of this class not only feeling that my abilities were refreshed but, feeling like I really stepped up and obtained more knowledge which will make my work with clients so much more efficient and effective.
As always, many, many thanks to Cal for being so professional and generous with his tools and making us better and better hypnotists.
I’ll be back for the next class!!”
Lana Smirnoff, BA, CH, Irvine, CA.
“This course is helpful for experienced hypnotists who want to take their work to another level: To be able to integrate different phases, work without scripts, and take the client to places they don’t really want to go. It also serves as a refresher, a reminder, and a gentle persuader for the hypnotist to take their work further and give the client what they really need/want.” Connie Davis, MA, CH. Redlands, CA.
“I highly recommend the Advanced 5-PATH® course to any one that is seeing clients on a regular basis. It has given me a much deeper understanding of the process as well as the flexibility within the frame work to adapt to the clients’ needs.
Also, just updating the materials from when I took my training was invaluable.”
Craig Homonnay, M.A.A.C.H.P, Adelaide, Australia
“Another “deeper dive” into regression work. This was a good validation of what I know and a chance to improve my overall skills and understanding. Great class! Learned some powerful new ideas to use with clients.” Roberta Fernandez, BCH, CI, Chanhassen, MN
“The Advance 5-PATH® class took the hypnosis process to a whole other level.
It’s like being a short order cook and going to chef school and becoming a Chef at a prominent restaurant. Cal’s class gave me insight to take my hypnosis business to a place that all my clients will benefit and be excited about their life changes, as a short order cook, I’m excited to be a Chef!
I look forward to taking and utilizing all this new found knowledge and actively with this.
Thank you Cal & thank you to the team (Abby & Maureen) for making the Online experience amazing.”
Marcella Hilferty, MBA, CH, Easton, PA - "Attended Course Live Online"
“The best of the best. Cal Banyan’s commitment and enthusiasm is infectious. So much detail and information, profound insight, taking 5-PATH® to a new level. And the key, immediately useable and practical.” Neil Pickering, Mensa, FCSI, FRSA, ADPR, CH, London, UK - "Attended Course Live Online"
“I tell you what. Ever wish you had Cal for a fireside chat? This class I'm taking right now, the Advanced 5-PATH® Class, feels that intimate and I AM ON THE CONFERENCE CALL side of it.
He is way more casual and just talking about his experiences working with clients. He is also going deeper into stuff. I can tell there isn't the pressure on him to teach us the basics because we already know them. So he is totally different in this class. LOVING how he is having fun, relaxed and totally enjoying sharing his genius.
The videos he has shown us in class are the videos you have always wanted to see; Cal handling a brutally difficult client. One that is NOT the least bit text book. He plays the video for us and it's like he does arm chair quarterbacking on himself, making you feel you are in his living room. He is pausing and commenting, sharing what he is thinking at the time. He is very transparent, funny, fascinating and FUN.
This class is not for beginners. You'll only get accepted if you are in the "Master's Circle". In other words, you will have had to have been doing 5-PATH® for a while and understand the basic concepts.
Still he has been very patient with all questions basic to advanced.
If you get the chance you have to take this class!””
Celeste Hackett, BCH, A+CPHI, Plano, TX - "Attended Course Live Online"
“This class was the best class I have taken with Cal so far. And every class I have taken has been wonderful. What was different here was both how Cal chose to teach it and what he taught us. He let us in on his thinking and insights about how he practices 5-PATH®. He let us see what is behind what he does and why he does it that way. He helped me to become more efficient and flexible. I am very appreciative of Cal’s willingness to share so much of the tricks and tips that make him so good at this work. I have to say I wasn’t sure about this class, as I have been practicing and teaching 5-PATH® and 7th PATH Self-Hypnosis® for quite a few years and I wasn’t sure what else he could teach me. Boy, was I wrong. I learned so much and best of all, I was able to take it to my clients right away. I believe I am a better hypnotist because I took this class.
Also, something very warm and loving and awe-inspiring happened in this class. I felt I was in the presence of loving, caring, supportive people who had come together as a community. The light was strong!
I also want to give kudos to Maureen and Abby, without whom this class would not have run smoothly.”
Laney Coulter, M. Ed., BCH, CPHI, Portland, OR - "Attended Course Live Online"
“I found the class incredibly helpful, and Cal was – as usual – an informative and insightful instructor. The format wasn’t what I was expecting, inasmuch as I didn’t realise he was going to be showing videos, but it worked very well, especially with Cal frequently pausing the video to make comments. He was able to pass on a lot of information that he normally doesn’t have the time for, and I came away knowing that I had a lot more tools for my 5-PATH® toolbox, also with renewed confidence in my skills and ability to help my clients. If I were to be asked ‘what is the one most significant thing that you learnt?’ then the answer would undoubtedly be ‘The flexibility of the 5-PATH® process’. I realise that I have gradually become too rigid in following the phases, forgetting that I can kind of ‘mix and match’. Watching Cal work and seeing how effortlessly and smoothly he interwove the phases was a revelation for me.
I sincerely hope that Cal will do advanced classes every year, because I am quite certain that all of us 5-PATHers will benefit, whether they be old-timers like myself or more recent grads. If we get to the point where we think we know it all and there is nothing more to be learnt, then we do not deserve to proudly declare ourselves as 1%ers!”
Niki Cassar, DCH, DHP, U.K. - "Attended Course Live Online"
NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Course with 5-PATH® and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®
January 2016
Held in Tustin, CA
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“Pace is aggressive and engaging, the depth and experience of the staff and knowledge is very comprehensive, I personally would rate Cal and Maureen Banyan (& Abby) as the No. 1 training venue for Hypnosis, best training event I have had ever, and fun, enlightening and life changing, and exceptional value for money.” Jason Carter, Ph. D., LLM, Milton Keynes, U.K.
“The knowledge and experience of 5-PATH and 7-th Path have been life changing and empowering. This systematic approach is by far the most complete for the Hypnosis Professional.” Dr. Scott McCully, D.C. Sacramento, CA.
“This class is above awesome. Banyan Hypnosis is of high caliber for hypnosis training. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested.” Susan Tate, RN, Las Vegas, NV.
“I have been studying and practicing Hypnosis for the past 3 years. I have trained with many of the top Hypnotists with NGH. Cal Banyan and his staff have taken the business of Hypnosis to a much higher level than any others. The course is very comprehensive from the basics of hypnosis theory to a structured, easy to follow process to deal with client issues to How to Set up and manage a practice.
In addition to the two-week class, there is an amazing amount of continuing education and support.
I highly recommend taking the course as an Online student. I really felt like I was there and part of the class. The IT support before and during the class made it very easy to get and stay connected. I loved the class!”
Diane Merrill, MBA, CH, New York City, NY. - "Attended Course Live Online"
“The 5-PATH training provided me with not just an excellent level of hypnosis training from one of the best educators out there, but with a hypnosis system.
Everything worth doing needs a plan and 5-PATH gave me that plan. I feel completely confident to be able to consistently provide clients with what they need and I help them achieve a successful outcome.
Thank you, Cal & Maureen”
Ken V. Ansell, Saskatchewan, CANADA - "Attended Course Live Online"
“The Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course is a phenomenal course. It was extremely well presented by Cal Banyan. The course is thorough, advanced, and well integrated. It is one of the most significant courses I have undertaken to date. I highly recommend it.” Warwick D. Phipps, Ph.D., Midrand, South Africa - "Attended Course Live Online"
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teachers Course – Ultimate Recognitions
January 2016
Held in Southeast Asia
Instructed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA
National Guild of Hypnotists, Board Certified Hypnotist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) and Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. Instructor
“I gained more understanding about myself, I released fears that I kept for too long. I also learned to accept the perfection that I am. This is my second time in Cal’s class, technically, first time in person, as the other was Online. Cal is an instructor of such a caliber, totally in a class of his own, you will always get 500% of him. I highly recommend the Ultimates 1-5 class for what you will get out of it.” - Hamidah Hashim, CH, Singapore
“This course is very interesting and empowering. Brings me further in my understanding of this great program, 7th Path. I enjoy teaching it and seeing my students/clients having huge benefits from it, more consciousness and clarity for making decisions in their lives. One student said to me: ‘I’m learning so much more about life and myself than ever before.
This gives me confidence to continue and attract more students. The Ultimates 1-5 brings me to the next level to go further and faster in my own development and growing process.
Cal Banyan is a great Teacher and very committed and dedicated with his students. He wants us to be masters and give the very best of us.” - Anouck Ledoux, CH, France
“Cal is an awesome instructor. He deals with the issue that comes out in the class immediately. The recognitions resonated with that I am going through at this time. I can understand the 7th Path process better and feel confident to teach this class.
I would recommend this class for someone who wants to be in touch with themselves, parents who want to have greater bonding with their children, too. 7th Path can help them too!” - Norliah Daroop, BA, CH, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
“This method is very simple and easy to share.
I really enjoyed the class, Calvin Banyan is very experienced and taught us with empathy.
I recommend this to those of you who want to achieve success and free from fear.” - Juli Triharto, CH, Jakarta, Indonesia
Past Graduates
- See Graduates from 2018
- See Graduates from 2017
- See Graduates from 2016
- See Graduates from 2015
- See Graduates from 2014
- See Graduates from 2013
- See Graduates from 2012
- See Graduates from 2011
- See Graduates from 2010
- See Graduates from 2009
- See Graduates from 2008
- See Graduates from 2007
- See Graduates from 2006
- See Graduates from 2005
- See Graduates from 2004
- See Graduates from 2003
- See Graduates from 2002
- See Graduates from 2001
- See Graduates from 2000
- See Graduates from 1999