What is Self-Hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis is a great way to benefit from the practice of hypnosis. However if you have ever tried to learn it from a book you know how that can be frustrating.
The best way to learn self-hypnosis is from a live hypnotist or hypnotherapist who can provide you the instruction that you need, answer questions and make sure that you are indeed reaching a useful level of hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis can be used for just about every kind of self-improvement as well as reducing or eliminating physical symptoms of medical problems. For example, many people have freed themselves from chronic pain, or bad habits just by learning and practicing some form of self-hypnosis.

The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® System
...is a holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit approach to self-hypnosis for self-improvement. Learn self-hypnosis through individual private session, classes or CDs. 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® System is effective for stress management, motivation, self-esteem, habits, relationship problems and more.
Combining the transformational power of hypnosis, meditation and your spiritual system moves you more quickly toward being your true self, reaching a much higher level of consciousness, releasing your latent talents, and helping you to realize your calling. Yes, this hypnosis-empowered meditation will work when other kinds of meditation were too difficult. It is so simple when you use a system that works with how your mind was designed to work. Take back control of your life and live the life you were meant to live.
What is 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®?
It is the first self-hypnosis program that we know of that allows you to first remove the old programming that blocks success.
- There is an old saying that goes something like "you must first empty the cup before you can put anything new in it." One of the problems with other forms of self hypnosis is that the hypnotic suggestions that you give yourself must go up against years of old programming. The old programming does not want to go, and the new suggestions are rejected time and time again before, through many repetitions, the new suggestions are finally accepted (or maybe not even then).

Removing the old programming first helps to avoid this and tends to make the new suggestions more powerful. In addition, sometimes, when you remove the old programming you just start to feel better and even without additional hypnotic suggestions. Many practitioners will begin to achieve their goals, especially if they have to do with health, automatically. It seems that once the old programming that got in your way of being successful is gone, your own natural programs for health just seem to start working better than they ever did before. As a result, you just tend to start taking better care of yourself, and old patterns such as addiction begin to fade away (i.e., smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse, etc.).
Using old fashioned self-hypnosis is like planting a new flower garden in an area that is full of weeds. The new flowers wouldn't have a chance because the old weeds have a head start. They would choke off almost any chance that the new flowers had to take root and grow strong. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it that way. You need to remove the weeds (and the root) so that the good plants and flowers (new useful thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviors, etc.) can survive and grow.
It is especially designed to utilize an individual's own belief system.
- If you are a spiritual person, those beliefs can be a very important part of your changes. Especially when the changes that you want to make will make you a better or healthier person. If you are not really all that spiritual in your belief systems, that is okay too. You can benefit from the 7th Path™ system by simply using making a few adjustments, which you will be shown how to do.
This is an especially easy approach to using self-hypnosis.
- It's easier than learning ordinary self-hypnosis from a book because when you try to learn it from a book, you always wonder if you are really doing it right. The way it works is that a 7th Path™ trained hypnotherapist teaches you the techniques, including how to go into hypnosis, while you are in hypnosis! Then when you first emerge from hypnosis, you immediately use the technique to take yourself back into hypnosis. This is the easiest time to go into hypnosis. Results are almost automatic! The hypnotherapist is there to make sure you are doing it right and to answer any questions that you might have, right then and there.
What can 7th Path™ help with?
- Overcome bad habits such as smoking, nail biting, excessive snacking, procrastinating, and over sleeping.
- Create new habits such as exercising regularly, self-motivation, being more patient with others and more.
- Self-improvement such as improving self-confidence, reducing stress, public speaking, overcome fears, and more.
Student and Practitioner Feedback
"A beautiful, intriguing experience of the brain and mind."
- Michael Vandall, M.D.
"This course brought emotions out of me I didn't think possible (7th Path™)."
- Frank Pruden, C.H.
"Also, despite the fact that I had no interest in learning 7th Path™ initially, I have been profoundly effected afterward, changed by its practice, and believe that it will be a major tool, too [In addition to 5-PATH®], in helping many people learn how to free themselves from the ravages of physical diseases by cleaning up unconscious conflicts, negative emotions and limiting beliefs."
- Eric Robins, M.D.
"Incredible, I'm at a loss for words. I'm still feeling released!"
- Kim Hoverman, Future Hypnotherapist
"This was a very excellent course! A ton of great information and given in a very usable and understandable way! Thank you."
- Amy Zilka, B.A.
"Cal is superb in his presentation and effectiveness. Maureen is a great team member. This course was very powerful all round! Would highly recommend it!"
- Sooki Jalali, P.D.H
"Class was extremely well done. Good examples used--helpful to have you be real--in sense of using/sharing your own experiences and drawing out feelings, thoughts of participants."
- Laurie Auger
"I had high expectations when I enrolled and am happy to say they were all met and exceeded. Fully enjoyed the experience and Cal's presentation."
- Jim Klubertanz
"Superb! Cal's techniques [The 7th Path™] were enlightening--educational and very well presented. The time flew by, I couldn't believe it was after 5 [when the class was over]. You kept my attention the whole time. The Recognitions are so simple--the awareness so strong. I liked how you compared it to the anti-virus for the mind. Already my attitude is more positive. I am looking forward to my positive personal growth! Thanks is not enough!"
- Patti Mathieu
"A beautiful, intriguing experience of the brain and mind. Makes one want to study and learn more."
- Michael Vandall, M.D.
"I enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the process, having just completed my own work with Cal(hypnotherapy). I look forward to using self-hypnosis to maintain my edge and the opportunity to share it with others."
- Kim Burnes, B.S., M.B.A
"Cal is knowledgeable, felt confident in the information given. Cal gave many examples of how self-hypnosis can be used. Really liked Cal's availability for questions, size of class, personal attention. Overall, thought it was a good experience that will have impact on my life."
- Bob Miller, M.S.E.E.
"Good solid foundation. Positive experience. Cal Banyan's work seems to flow from true compassion for people in physical, mental and emotional pain."
- Susan Janicke, R.N.
"I have never been hypnotized before. I was afraid that it would not happen form me. However, that fear went away after Cal explained how hypnosis happens all the time. The hypnosis experience was great. Getting rid of my arachnophobia was a good feeling too! Thanks,
- Shirl Boe, B.A. Communications
"This event is awesome! The best form of self-improvement I've ever experienced. I've done just about every kind of self-help improvement, but this one I really was in tuned with. I was skeptical at first. But Wow! It was an eye-opener.
- Harlod N. Loomer, AA
"Cal was a great speaker, very interesting and motivating. He demonstrated his professionalism very effectively. This was the most exciting, informative and useful class I have ever taken."
- Wendy Jensen
"The class is a great learning experience. I can't wait to apply all the skills I learned here today. Cal is a great instructor/teacher. He brings out the best in all his students."
- Judy Sternac
"You should charge more. It's a deal, for everything one learns. I wasn't sure what we would be taught but I am really pleased with all the new things I have learned that will better me & my life. Thank you..."
- Pat Meisel
"Very impressed. speaker is engaging & confident. I learned a lot of valuable, forever lasting skills today."
- Brenda Spriggs.
"Cal was very informative and the his techniques for teaching were very good. It was very easy to learn what was taught. Just what I learned today about self-hypnosis, will be of great benefit to me and people surrounding me. Thank you."
- Walter Wick
"Very excited to use the self-hypnosis information, especially in the delivery of my baby and with stress in my life. Cal is great--very informative and willing to answer any questions."
- Jane Swanson, B.S.