Learn Self-Hypnosis
Self-Hypnosis Courses

Self-hypnosis is a great way to benefit from the practice of hypnosis. However if you have ever tried to learn it from a book you know how that can be frustrating.
The best way to learn self-hypnosis is from a live hypnotist or hypnotherapist who can provide you the instruction that you need, answer questions and make sure that you are indeed reaching a useful level of hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis can be used for just about every kind of self-improvement as well as reducing or eliminating physical symptoms of medical problems. For example, many people have freed themselves from chronic pain, or bad habits just by learning and practicing some form of self-hypnosis.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® One Day Training Course Schedule
7th Path Self-Hypnosis® 1-Day Class
Includes Our Popular Holistic Approach To Self-Hypnosis!
Do some self-improvement, only $125.00 for the class and booklet.
The instructor covers the fundamentals of what you need to know about hypnosis, and the subconscious, unconscious and conscious parts of the mind. This 1-day course is for those who want to do self-hypnosis in a safe, fast and effective way.
Generally this class is scheduled for the first Saturday of each month.
This class is available as a workshop on CD.
This is what you will learn how to do and more:
- Learn the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® system
- Do self-hypnosis using a Mind-Body-Spirit approach
- Induce self-hypnosis in only about a minute
- How to remove old programs that are holding you back
- How to write really effective suggestions for yourself
- Receive a 7th Path™ booklet click here to check it out.
- Join Our 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Practitioners' Online Community
Self-hypnosis can be used for almost any kind of self-improvement such as stop smoking, weight control, stress management, confidence, self-esteem, pain control, improve memory, improving study skills, motivation, improving sales, insomnia, improving sports performance and much more.
The instructor teaches self-hypnosis (7th Path™) by guiding the class into hypnosis and then giving you a quick and simple procedure to take yourself back into the hypnotic state. After that you will be able to go into a hypnotic state yourself. This advance in hypnotherapy is a two stage approach where you are taught to remove old erroneous programming from the past, and then you will learn to give yourself suggestions (new programming) for success in the area of your choosing.
He covers how to write effective hypnotic suggestions to make almost any kind of change. This is important because if hypnotic suggestions are poorly written, they will be of little effect, OR even have the opposite effect!
What people are saying about the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® course
"A beautiful, intriguing experience of the brain and mind. Makes one want to study and learn more."
Michael Vandall, M.D.
"I enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the process, having just completed my own work with Cal (hypnotherapy). I look forward to using self-hypnosis to maintain my edge and the opportunity to share it with others." Kim Burnes, B.S., M.B.A
"Cal is knowledgeable, felt confident in the information given. Cal gave many examples of how self-hypnosis can be used. Really liked Cal's availability for questions, size of class, personal attention. Overall, thought it was a good experience that will have impact on my life." Bob Miller, M.S.E.E.
"Good solid foundation. Positive experience. Cal Banyan's work seems to flow from true compassion for people in physical, mental and emotional pain." Susan Janicke, R.N.
"I have never been hypnotized before. I was afraid that it would not happen form me. However, that fear went away after Cal explained how hypnosis happens all the time. The hypnosis experience was great. Getting rid of my arachnophobia was a good feeling too! Thanks, Shirl Boe, B.A. Communications
"This event is awesome! The best form of self-improvement I've ever experienced. I've done just about every kind of self-help improvement, but this one I really was in tuned with. I was skeptical at first. But Wow! It was an eye-opener.Harlod N. Loomer, AA
"Cal was a great speaker, very interesting and motivating. He demonstrated his professionalism very effectively. This was the most exciting, informative and useful class I have ever taken." Wendy Jensen
"The class is a great learning experience. I can't wait to apply all the skills I learned here today. Cal is a great instructor/teacher. He brings out the best in all his students."Judy Sternac
"You should charge more. It's a deal, for everything one learns. I wasn't sure what we would be taught but I am really pleased with all the new things I have learned that will better me & my life. Thank you..." Pat Meisel
"Very impressed. speaker is engaging & confident. I learned a lot of valuable, forever lasting skills today." Brenda Spriggs.
"Cal was very informative and the his techniques for teaching were very good. It was very easy to learn what was taught. Just what I learned today about self-hypnosis, will be of great benefit to me and people surrounding me. Thank you." Walter Wick
"Very excited to use the self-hypnosis information, especially in the delivery of my baby and with stress in my life. Cal is great--very informative and willing to answer any questions." Jane Swanson, B.S.
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