Cal Banyan Interviews Hypnosis Course Graduates
I am happy to introduce you to one of the newest features on our website. From time to time I am going to contact some of the graduates of our courses and do a quick interview with them. It will give me a chance to brag about them a bit and also give you the opportunity to see what our grads have to say about how their hypnosis practices are going.
Below on this page you will find a photo of each graduate and a short excerpt from his or her interview. I hope that this excerpt will give you a the “flavor” or how the interview went and what it is going to be about. If you are interested enough to read the whole article then just click on the link and you will have the whole thing there in front of you. When you are done, just click on the Back button or a link to visit another part of our website.
And, just so you know, these interviews and all of our news gets post on my blog first. You can go there any time by clicking here or just typing, in your Web browser. Enjoy the interviews.
Tricia Woolfrey of London, England

"I had a young man who had very low self esteem following the break-up with a girlfriend. He was very agitated, teary, couldn’t focus on his very high profile job and his confidence was just about on the floor. We did a lot of work around that and he became stronger. He couldn’t get away from trying to prove to his girlfriend that he was a good person – he had done everything but everything to do this and she simply took advantage of his good nature and treated him quite badly. The real change came when we did age regression (Phase II of 5-PATH®) – the root of the problem was when he shouted to his mother that he hated her when he was just 4 years old. This led to a great deal of guilt (he loved his mother very much) and his mother died young which of course made the problem worse..."
Read the rest of the interview with Tricia Woolfrey, a hypnotherapist in London, England.
Celeste Hackett of Dallas, Texas

"I was so happy for her when she said, “I’m coming out of my depression.” After that, she also began to look into something that always interested her, a career helping the needy and she signed up for classes to increase her knowledge in this area of interest. This brought the words, “I’ve found my purpose”. It was so helpful to have known about your book, The Secret Language of Feelings."
Read the rest of the interview with Celeste Hackett, a hypnotherapist in Dallas, Texas.
Darwin Gillett of Boston, Massachusetts

"I have had many interesting cases, but I have most enjoyed the work I have done with kids. Prior to going back to get my masters degree, I was a teacher and coach, and have always been drawn to that population. Thus, I think the cases where I am able to help kids deal with fears, school related issues, physical problems, and just managing their emotions are the most rewarding for me. I can remember an especially interesting case working with a youngster who had severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It had gotten so bad that it was difficult for him to attend school. So, his family was at their wits end to try and figure out how best to help him. After just a few hypnosis sessions, his obsessive thinking and compulsive actions decreased immensely. Ultimately, he was able to attend school without any issues, and the problem has really gone away. His family was very happy, and it was very rewarding for me."
Read the rest of the interview with Darwin Gillett, a hypnotherapist in Boston, Massachusetts.
Niki Cassar of Surrey, UK

"She realized that the only way she could remain in control over the years was to suppress her feelings of bottled-up anger. She was terrified what might happen if she let go of them, so she became fearful of being sick and consequently started having panic attacks. Once we worked with these feelings, she was able to safely release them. At the end of the complete hypnotherapy process, she burst into floods of tears and kept grinning from ear to ear and saying how fantastic she felt!"
Read the rest of the interview with Niki Cassar, a hypnotherapist in Surrey, UK .
Marifran Cooper of Rochester, New York

"I had a couple, a husband and wife, who came to me. The husband found me on the internet for smoking cessation. I worked with him and sure enough he quit smoking. After that he told his wife about me, and she started sessions of 5-PATH® for weight loss. What was interesting about the case was the different perceptions husband and wife shared during their respective sessions. Everything was confidential. I was amazed at the wife's anger at the workaholic husband and his unwillingness to stand up for her when it came to his mother. According to the husband, everything was "hunky-dory"! He wanted to make good on a challenge that his teenage son had made with him to stop smoking and to this day, he's smoke free. As I conducted the hypnotherapy sessions with her, the wife started to stand up for herself to his mother! It all worked out in the end. That's why I always say there are three sides to every story. His, hers, and what really happened!"
Read the rest of the interview with Marifran Cooper, a hypnotherapist in Rochester, New York .
Linda Damara of Singapore

"I had this client who came for "Stop Smoking" issues. As I did the 5-PATH® therapy sessions with him, after the 1st session, he had stopped smoking. On the 2nd session, he mentioned to me that he has difficulty in getting over relationships. He said that whenever he felt bad for a long time, he also suffered from Bulimia. By the 4th session, not only did he stop smoking permanently without any withdrawal effects, his Bulimia and his problem with relationships was dissolved.
This is his testimonial after he completed his 5th session: "It was truly an amazing experience to be able to get in touch with my deepest level of feeling and being. It's nothing short of miraculous, this newfound knowledge of my own limitless potential for which I will be eternally grateful."
Read the rest of the interview with Linda Damara, a hypnotherapist in Singapore.