Are you ready for an exciting and rewarding career as a Hypnotist or Hypnotherapist? Take the upcoming July 2012 NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course. With this course, you get all the training you need to become a successful certified hypnosis professional, including not only NGH "Core Curriculum" but also 5-PATH® and 7th Path
hypnotherapy certification
NEWS: National Guild of Hypnotist Gets the Word Out
The National Guild of Hypnotists is getting the word out about their upcoming convention and educational conference. Join the discussion and learn about hypnosis and hypnotherapy in their very useful forums. I hope you will be at the convention this year. It is the only hypnosis event Celeste, Meredith, Elronn and I attend, and we
Hypnosis News on TV: Health Benefits of Medical Hypnosis
From time to time a major network will do a news story on hypnosis and hypnotherapy and every time it generates business for our office and for yours. With that in mind, I'm glad to see the topic covered in this way. Here is a mostly positive news story that came from Fox News Channel