Working Confidently with Family & Friends (Conclusion) Today we complete the series on how to help friends and family with different issues with hypnosis and non-hypnosis techniques. Celeste provides you with information about how she has helped her niece, and we generalize that information so that you can use it to help your friends and
Hypnosis Podcasts
Hypnosis Podcast #101: Working with Family and Friends
Working with Family and Friends Here we go again! We are so excited to have now gone beyond episode #100 with this free hypnosis training video about how to work with family and friends using hypnotic and non-hypnotic techniques. In this episode Celeste takes the lead in this video and tells you about how she
Hypnosis Podcast #100: Our Top 10 Hypnosis Training Podcasts Selected by Cal & Celeste
Our Top 10 Hypnosis Training Podcasts Selected by Cal & Celeste
In this podcast Celeste and I talk about our favorite podcasts from the past and provide you direct links to some of the most important free hypnosis training on the Internet! Watch this episode and then check out our favorite episodes.
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Would you like to add one to the list? Leave a comment below and let us know what episode you think was the most valuable to you.
Actual Top Ten List (Listed with most recent on top):
- Hypnosis Podcast #93: Working with People Who Are Abusing Drugs Using Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy - Celeste’s Pick
- Hypnosis Podcast #91: The Right & Wrong of What Some Psychologists Believe About Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy - Cal’s Pick
- Hypnosis Podcast #82: 10 Keys to Successful Search Engine Optimization (Get Your Site on Google) - Part 1 of 3. - Celeste’s Pick
- Hypnosis Podcast #77: 10 Keys to Starting Your Successful Hypnosis Practice On a Budget - Part 1 of 5 - Celeste’s Pick
- Hypnosis Podcast #76: Free Hypnosis Seminar – Hypnosis & Christianity, When Can Religion & Hypnotherapy Get Along - An Interview with Rev. Dr. Scot Giles - Celeste’s Pick
- Hypnosis Podcast #71: Hypnosis Video Training - Setting Up a Hypnosis Office & Training Center - The Tour, Part 1 - Cal’s Pick
- Hypnosis, Etc. Podcast #65: Free Hypnosis Training Topic "Ten Keys to Doing Direct Suggestion Hypnosis Right" Part 1 of 6 Parts - Cal’s Pick
- Hypnosis, Etc. Podcast #61: Ten Keys to Client Preparation for Successful Hypnosis Sessions 1 of 4 Parts - Celeste’s Pick
- Hypnosis, Etc. Podcast #58: Age Regression: A Female Hypnotist: Overcoming a Man’s Profession Kelsey & Celeste - Cal’s Pick
- Hypnosis Training Podcast by Cal Banyan #40: Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis, Etc. with Celeste Hackett - Introduction, Question About "Too Much Emotion for Affect Bridge?" - Cal’s Pick
Hypnosis Podcast #99: Cal & Celeste Make Predictions for the Hypnosis Profession in 2009
Cal & Celeste Make Predictions for the Hypnosis Profession in 2009 It is time to put 2008 behind us and look forward to 2009. So, Celeste and I go "out on a limb" as they say and make some predictions about 2009. What do you think the world of professional hypnotism will hold in 2009?
Hypnosis Podcast #98: Interview with Tom Nicoli about Using World Hypnotism Day to Grow Your Hypnosis Practice this Year (and Every Year)
Interview with Tom Nicoli about Using World Hypnotism Day to Grow Your Hypnosis Practice this Year (and Every Year) This is a very special hypnosis training video! Today we did some techno-magic and got Tom Nicoli in on the show. We are all shooting on location, and then my super fantastic technical wizard Taylor edited