Some great information here Cal! I admit that while I don't have an ongoing "accountability partner," I have regular support check ins with people. As we prepare for convention, fellow 5-pather and fellow presenter Donna Bloom and I have been supporting one another to achieve specific goals- having relationships like that are so important for so many of us who are otherwise alone in our offices. I definitely encourage everyone to have a few hypnotist friends that they can turn to for support or a nudge when necessary.
Love your motto - never, ever give up. Yes, having an accountability partner has helped me get out of my comfort zone and step up my game. Another way to keep up the learning is to join the BOLSM BraveHearts. We meet on Sunday nights to continue our learning, share tips and tricks. Looking forward to the convention and especially the 5-PATH dinner.
Some great information here Cal! I admit that while I don't have an ongoing "accountability partner," I have regular support check ins with people. As we prepare for convention, fellow 5-pather and fellow presenter Donna Bloom and I have been supporting one another to achieve specific goals- having relationships like that are so important for so many of us who are otherwise alone in our offices. I definitely encourage everyone to have a few hypnotist friends that they can turn to for support or a nudge when necessary.
Love your motto - never, ever give up. Yes, having an accountability partner has helped me get out of my comfort zone and step up my game. Another way to keep up the learning is to join the BOLSM BraveHearts. We meet on Sunday nights to continue our learning, share tips and tricks. Looking forward to the convention and especially the 5-PATH dinner.