I really hope we answered Judith's question here- I think it helped reinforce a few things for myself, both in filming the show and watching it a couple weeks later! Thanks Cal!
Thanks Cal & Brenda, for once again yet another great episode.
This question was one that was asked in the tele seminar last week too and is an interesting one I think. I remember the answer you gave then Cal was to be persistent & determined to stick to that first feeling, as that was obviously the strongest one associated with the problem.
But, as you say Brenda, for some clients it appears that even the same ISE can have a few emotions attached to them.
I've also just finished listening to the TTT series, so still getting my head around that at the moment. However, I do think I'm fortunate in that I haven't been using the affect bridge for all that long, so am making the transition a little easier.
There are a couple of points I'd appreciate clarified please.
I get the idea that a client with a fear issue needs to focus on the emotion of fear as that would be the strongest feeling to work with first (because there may be others also).
But, In the too much behaviour client, it is the first feeling they find when they are at their first SSE that is the strongest emotion & the one we focus on to get back to the ISE. For example, the feeling is anger (even if they consciously said they felt fear in the pre-hypnosis interview) and so that is the feeling we have them follow back through the tunnel. Assuming I have that correct, then, if the client next comes to a feeling of sadness at the second SSE, rather than anger, do we simply acknowledge that feeling of sadness, and then have them focus once again on the previous feeling of anger in the part of their body they told us it was, and tell them to follow it back through the tunnel? Do we say anything about the sadness (or whatever the other emotion was?).
I'm interested to know what to do if that protective part of the mind just won't allow them to go back to the ISE of the anger? As you said Cal, it can be a sneaky little sucker. In that case, would it be appropriate to follow the next strongest feeling, like the sadness in my hypothetical, so we can at least neutralise that aspect of the problem?
When doing AR with a “too-much” behavior client you begin the regression with where do you feel that desire to eat? If it is in their stomach and it otherwise makes sense that they would be hungry and it would make sense that they should eat, then you don’t regress on that sensation.
But if they are not hungry and they still have a feeling in their body that is making them want to eat, then that is a “feeling” in the body that is being created by an emotion. Regress on *that* feeling/emotion. TTT off of that feeling.
When you get to the first SSE as you are going back in time, then find out what is happening, what they are thinking and what they are feeling. It is this *feeling* that you should continue to regress on back to the ISE, even if other emotions are felt in the SSE.
Your client may experience other emotions in the SSE, SPE or ISE as you go back in time, but it is *that* feeling which you used to begin the TTT that is the most important at this time. Stick with it until you have completely processed it in the AR.
Note, that with the “too-much” behavior client, other powerful emotions from their past or in the present can continue to drive the problem behavior. If fear is uncovered during the AR then process it with more AR. If anger at others is uncovered during the AR then it will typically be processed in the FOO Phase. If guilt or anger at oneself is uncovered in the AR then it is processed in the FOS Phase.
You also asked, “I’m interested to know what to do if that protective part of the mind just won’t allow them to go back to the ISE of the anger? In that case, would it be appropriate to follow the next strongest feeling, like the sadness in my hypothetical, so we can at least neutralize that aspect of the problem?” No. Never let the protective part get away with that. If you do it will use that approach again. It could do this with the “next strongest feeling” as well.
Here is what I advise:
First, make sure that your client understands the instruction.
Second, make sure your client is deep enough in hypnosis to be able to regress further.
Third, have your client open her eyes in hypnosis and say something like this to her, “Look at me. I believe I can help you. But you have to follow my instructions. Think about everything that you have done to overcome this problem. Obviously that has not worked out very well or you would not be here with me. I believe I can help you, but you have to follow my instructions. Decide.”
Then you have to wait for them to decide. If you have a non-compliant client you cannot help them. This approach has worked for me every time. I discuss “The Talk” I’m writing about here in length in class. But that should help you out for now.
So far everyone who I have given that ultimatum to has decided to move forward, now all of a sudden their inability to regress goes away and we are on our way to regression back to the ISE and we get them fixed.
The key to success with this is that once you say “decide” there is no more discussion. They either decide to follow instructions our you can send them home. No discussion, just “decide”.
Perfect Cal...thank you, that clears it up for me.
I do know "the talk" from my training, but had incorrectly thought that was just for a non compliant client (eg. "I don't know what's happening" or not responding verbally) but now I understand that it is also for the client appearing to be compliant but following other feelings, as the protective part is in play.
I like the fact that "decide" is the last word that needs to be said. As you mentioned, both here & in training, there is nothing else to say after that, the explanation & instructions have been given, now it's her decision to make.
Thanks again for taking time to respond Cal and thanks for all you do.
I really hope we answered Judith's question here- I think it helped reinforce a few things for myself, both in filming the show and watching it a couple weeks later! Thanks Cal!
Thanks Cal & Brenda, for once again yet another great episode.
This question was one that was asked in the tele seminar last week too and is an interesting one I think. I remember the answer you gave then Cal was to be persistent & determined to stick to that first feeling, as that was obviously the strongest one associated with the problem.
But, as you say Brenda, for some clients it appears that even the same ISE can have a few emotions attached to them.
I've also just finished listening to the TTT series, so still getting my head around that at the moment. However, I do think I'm fortunate in that I haven't been using the affect bridge for all that long, so am making the transition a little easier.
There are a couple of points I'd appreciate clarified please.
I get the idea that a client with a fear issue needs to focus on the emotion of fear as that would be the strongest feeling to work with first (because there may be others also).
But, In the too much behaviour client, it is the first feeling they find when they are at their first SSE that is the strongest emotion & the one we focus on to get back to the ISE. For example, the feeling is anger (even if they consciously said they felt fear in the pre-hypnosis interview) and so that is the feeling we have them follow back through the tunnel. Assuming I have that correct, then, if the client next comes to a feeling of sadness at the second SSE, rather than anger, do we simply acknowledge that feeling of sadness, and then have them focus once again on the previous feeling of anger in the part of their body they told us it was, and tell them to follow it back through the tunnel? Do we say anything about the sadness (or whatever the other emotion was?).
I'm interested to know what to do if that protective part of the mind just won't allow them to go back to the ISE of the anger? As you said Cal, it can be a sneaky little sucker. In that case, would it be appropriate to follow the next strongest feeling, like the sadness in my hypothetical, so we can at least neutralise that aspect of the problem?
Thanks again for all you do.
Hi Susan,
When doing AR with a “too-much” behavior client you begin the regression with where do you feel that desire to eat? If it is in their stomach and it otherwise makes sense that they would be hungry and it would make sense that they should eat, then you don’t regress on that sensation.
But if they are not hungry and they still have a feeling in their body that is making them want to eat, then that is a “feeling” in the body that is being created by an emotion. Regress on *that* feeling/emotion. TTT off of that feeling.
When you get to the first SSE as you are going back in time, then find out what is happening, what they are thinking and what they are feeling. It is this *feeling* that you should continue to regress on back to the ISE, even if other emotions are felt in the SSE.
Your client may experience other emotions in the SSE, SPE or ISE as you go back in time, but it is *that* feeling which you used to begin the TTT that is the most important at this time. Stick with it until you have completely processed it in the AR.
Note, that with the “too-much” behavior client, other powerful emotions from their past or in the present can continue to drive the problem behavior. If fear is uncovered during the AR then process it with more AR. If anger at others is uncovered during the AR then it will typically be processed in the FOO Phase. If guilt or anger at oneself is uncovered in the AR then it is processed in the FOS Phase.
You also asked, “I’m interested to know what to do if that protective part of the mind just won’t allow them to go back to the ISE of the anger? In that case, would it be appropriate to follow the next strongest feeling, like the sadness in my hypothetical, so we can at least neutralize that aspect of the problem?” No. Never let the protective part get away with that. If you do it will use that approach again. It could do this with the “next strongest feeling” as well.
Here is what I advise:
First, make sure that your client understands the instruction.
Second, make sure your client is deep enough in hypnosis to be able to regress further.
Third, have your client open her eyes in hypnosis and say something like this to her, “Look at me. I believe I can help you. But you have to follow my instructions. Think about everything that you have done to overcome this problem. Obviously that has not worked out very well or you would not be here with me. I believe I can help you, but you have to follow my instructions. Decide.”
Then you have to wait for them to decide. If you have a non-compliant client you cannot help them. This approach has worked for me every time. I discuss “The Talk” I’m writing about here in length in class. But that should help you out for now.
So far everyone who I have given that ultimatum to has decided to move forward, now all of a sudden their inability to regress goes away and we are on our way to regression back to the ISE and we get them fixed.
The key to success with this is that once you say “decide” there is no more discussion. They either decide to follow instructions our you can send them home. No discussion, just “decide”.
Let’s do GREAT things together,
Perfect Cal...thank you, that clears it up for me.
I do know "the talk" from my training, but had incorrectly thought that was just for a non compliant client (eg. "I don't know what's happening" or not responding verbally) but now I understand that it is also for the client appearing to be compliant but following other feelings, as the protective part is in play.
I like the fact that "decide" is the last word that needs to be said. As you mentioned, both here & in training, there is nothing else to say after that, the explanation & instructions have been given, now it's her decision to make.
Thanks again for taking time to respond Cal and thanks for all you do.
I'm glad to help out.