I think that there will be some great pieces of information throughout this episode for everyone. I was reminded while I was watching it today about how our social media impacts fears and anxieties... Just over the holidays I had a couple of friends proclaim "enough is enough" for that very reason. It was just too much to be exposed to all of the negativity, comparing oneself to others, etc. I think that's definitely something to keep an eye on with our clients, as I see it crop up more and more in my office.
Thanks Brenda & Cal for another informative podcast!
I'm going to check out the "blast from the past" podcast next with Celeste, thanks for the heads up Cal. I'm making my way through all the podcasts as time permits, but have been jumping around a bit recently watching ones that seem more appropriate for dealing with current clients concerns. And, this one certainly hits the spot!
I completely agree regarding the media influence. And, I think it's getting more insidious each day. At our home, we have given up watching the news here because it is generally filled with so much negativity, it is just depressing.
This topic also reminded me of one of my favourite neuro-scientists, Rick Hansen, who says that evolution has left us with a brain that is like Velcro for the negative & Teflon for the positive. Made sense for survival...just like the tiger chasing us example you mentioned Brenda. But, we need to do everything we can to maximise the positivity that we experience in our daily lives, because we now know that we can create & strengthen neural pathways in the brain, but like everything else worthwhile in life...it takes some work & commitment.
Thank you so much for your comment Susan, I really appreciated what you shared about our brains being like velcro for negative and teflon for positive- such an accurate, to the point way of thinking of things... and something I'm sure working on combatting both for myself and my clients!! Thanks for watching- and especially for going back to some of these slightly older ones- there are gems to be found in every episode!
By the way, I think you might also like this realted "blast from the past" video that I did with Celeste Hackett.
Hypnosis Training Podcast by Cal Banyan #48: Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis, Etc. with Celeste Hackett – “Working with Clients with Fears and Phobias
I think that there will be some great pieces of information throughout this episode for everyone. I was reminded while I was watching it today about how our social media impacts fears and anxieties... Just over the holidays I had a couple of friends proclaim "enough is enough" for that very reason. It was just too much to be exposed to all of the negativity, comparing oneself to others, etc. I think that's definitely something to keep an eye on with our clients, as I see it crop up more and more in my office.
Thanks Brenda & Cal for another informative podcast!
I'm going to check out the "blast from the past" podcast next with Celeste, thanks for the heads up Cal. I'm making my way through all the podcasts as time permits, but have been jumping around a bit recently watching ones that seem more appropriate for dealing with current clients concerns. And, this one certainly hits the spot!
I completely agree regarding the media influence. And, I think it's getting more insidious each day. At our home, we have given up watching the news here because it is generally filled with so much negativity, it is just depressing.
This topic also reminded me of one of my favourite neuro-scientists, Rick Hansen, who says that evolution has left us with a brain that is like Velcro for the negative & Teflon for the positive. Made sense for survival...just like the tiger chasing us example you mentioned Brenda. But, we need to do everything we can to maximise the positivity that we experience in our daily lives, because we now know that we can create & strengthen neural pathways in the brain, but like everything else worthwhile in life...it takes some work & commitment.
Thanks to you both for the reminder....
Hi Susan - Thanks for watching and leaving a comment. Let us know if there are any topics you would like us to cover.
Check out our upcoming NLP training at our center to be taught by Dr. William Horton. Info is here http://www.CalBanyan.com/NLP
Thank you so much for your comment Susan, I really appreciated what you shared about our brains being like velcro for negative and teflon for positive- such an accurate, to the point way of thinking of things... and something I'm sure working on combatting both for myself and my clients!! Thanks for watching- and especially for going back to some of these slightly older ones- there are gems to be found in every episode!