This topic came to me in the middle of the night and I was so excited about it that I got up and wrote my notes then and there! I hope everyone can come away with a few "gifts" to give yourselves and your clients in this episode as you prepare for the coming year and continued success!
Thank you Cal and Brenda, this episode was very inspirational! You both are great models of success and I personally have learned a lot from both of you.
I think there is something very powerful that we as hypnotists hold inside of us when we talk to clients - and it's our own personal power, and it comes out to our clients in non-verbal communication and our ability to connect with clients at a deeper level. They can pick up on this, and that's what I got out of this episode, how important it is to bring that with us to every session.
I liked your recommendation on professional head shots as well, and am wondering how often you guys get new ones? Mine is pushing 2 years and so I want a new one. So if I want a new one I think it's time!
Thank you Erika. As far as photos go I think that as we change our photos need to change. I have some rather old photos up and am also in need of an update in some cases. One thing we have to keep in mind with photos is that we are not stuck using what we get from our latest photo shoot. One may have to invest in two or three different photographers/photo shoots in order to get just the right photo that conveys our brand.
I thought this was such an interesting idea, and to have examples from what I was seeing in my practice helped be able to explain it because I agree- every moment we spend with our clients they are learning from us, and we have an opportunity to help them learn and grow! So exciting and fulfilling!
I agree with Cal's thoughts on how often to update the photos- when we change... However sometimes we have subtle changes that we don't realize. Hmmm, I'll have to ponder that.
Yet another informative episode. Thank you Brenda & Cal.
I agree with Erika's comments, you are both excellent models in the profession and life in general. Thanks for that.
Obviously I agree with and practice everything you talked about, so while I may not have learned anything new, but what really stood out for me was the discussion on appropriate photos.
I wanted to share that I have been to see a couple of local hypnotherapist's in my local area (sadly no 5-PATHers here...yet) and found them via their websites. The photos of one of these women was obviously a professional photo and well done...unfortunately the person I met with must have been a much older relative, one who dressed & presented herself completely differently than the photo and website information portrayed.
We see that quite a lot actually. My husband and I often say some business card or website photos of people that we meet in person must have been taken decades earlier. It simply projects something False about them in my opinion. I have never believed that I am at all photogenic, and certainly looked better in photos when I was much younger, however, I know how important it is that the photo on my website reflects what I actually look like in real life...NOW.
Thank you for your comment Susan, you're always so supportive! I agree that the photos need to give a sense of the person currently- it was interesting how you described the hypnotist who you saw who seemed like an older relative of the one in the picture. It's an interesting visual. I know how important it is when I meet my clients for the first time, when they smile and say I look like the picture- they already know me a little bit that way and feel comfortable with me.
This topic came to me in the middle of the night and I was so excited about it that I got up and wrote my notes then and there! I hope everyone can come away with a few "gifts" to give yourselves and your clients in this episode as you prepare for the coming year and continued success!
Obviously you were Divinely inspired!
Thank you Cal and Brenda, this episode was very inspirational! You both are great models of success and I personally have learned a lot from both of you.
I think there is something very powerful that we as hypnotists hold inside of us when we talk to clients - and it's our own personal power, and it comes out to our clients in non-verbal communication and our ability to connect with clients at a deeper level. They can pick up on this, and that's what I got out of this episode, how important it is to bring that with us to every session.
I liked your recommendation on professional head shots as well, and am wondering how often you guys get new ones? Mine is pushing 2 years and so I want a new one. So if I want a new one I think it's time!
Thank you Erika. As far as photos go I think that as we change our photos need to change. I have some rather old photos up and am also in need of an update in some cases. One thing we have to keep in mind with photos is that we are not stuck using what we get from our latest photo shoot. One may have to invest in two or three different photographers/photo shoots in order to get just the right photo that conveys our brand.
I thought this was such an interesting idea, and to have examples from what I was seeing in my practice helped be able to explain it because I agree- every moment we spend with our clients they are learning from us, and we have an opportunity to help them learn and grow! So exciting and fulfilling!
I agree with Cal's thoughts on how often to update the photos- when we change... However sometimes we have subtle changes that we don't realize. Hmmm, I'll have to ponder that.
Yet another informative episode. Thank you Brenda & Cal.
I agree with Erika's comments, you are both excellent models in the profession and life in general. Thanks for that.
Obviously I agree with and practice everything you talked about, so while I may not have learned anything new, but what really stood out for me was the discussion on appropriate photos.
I wanted to share that I have been to see a couple of local hypnotherapist's in my local area (sadly no 5-PATHers here...yet) and found them via their websites. The photos of one of these women was obviously a professional photo and well done...unfortunately the person I met with must have been a much older relative, one who dressed & presented herself completely differently than the photo and website information portrayed.
We see that quite a lot actually. My husband and I often say some business card or website photos of people that we meet in person must have been taken decades earlier. It simply projects something False about them in my opinion. I have never believed that I am at all photogenic, and certainly looked better in photos when I was much younger, however, I know how important it is that the photo on my website reflects what I actually look like in real life...NOW.
Thanks again for all you do,
Thank you for your comment Susan, you're always so supportive! I agree that the photos need to give a sense of the person currently- it was interesting how you described the hypnotist who you saw who seemed like an older relative of the one in the picture. It's an interesting visual. I know how important it is when I meet my clients for the first time, when they smile and say I look like the picture- they already know me a little bit that way and feel comfortable with me.