Once again...great video with LOTS of good info. In my town, I often do feel like the "Lonely Hypnotist" because in spite of attempts to get people together, it just doesn't happen. Even so, that's no excuse to settle with a "Woe is me" complex.
As Brenda said, continuing education is important. I schedule numerous hours each week to watch (or re-watch) Cal's videos, read books, the NGH Journal or get materials from other sources as well. The art of moving forward requires forward movement.
The most important part of my professional development are the relationships developed by the 5-PATH group or at the NGH Conference. Then, these podcasts always offer an aspect of the profession with some pearl of wisdom.
I'm always grateful for these podcasts that only require minimal time to focus on building our profession.
I'm so glad to hear you are continuing your study of 5-PATH and have found a place in our group.
I'm also pleased to hear that you are finding these videos of use. I am so honored to be able to do this, especially with my co-hosts, past and present.
Boy, was this timely! Thanks for your help today with my regression client, Cal. I really didn't have anywhere to turn for help. You were very generous with your time and provided really insightful guidance. I am svery grateful for your help for my client, and myself. I'm half way through the program and will be sending in the exam soon. I will be very interested in talking about your coaching session at that time.
Brenda and I are holding our first chapter meeting here in the Twin Cities in a couple of weeks. We'll see how many show up!
Hello Roberta, it was a pleasure talking with you on the phone yesterday. Congratulations on getting that NGH Chapter started. If you ever need a speaker or topic, just pick one of my podcasts,and it will almost be like I was there with you. I miss all the great people in the Twin Cities and MN!
Congratulations also on your decision to be a 5-PATHer! There is not better career path in our profession.
Thank you for this great video. I would love to find another local hypnosis practitioner in my area but have not found any here. I keep hearing from friends that years ago they tried this or that with their dr. Most tried to quit smoking but no one can tell me of any other practicing hypnotists. How can I go about finding any in my area. I have tried the yellow pages all the way through google searches. I live in Bristol Tennessee but any search online only shows Bristol in Europe. This also presents a problem when I try to determine a price for sessions. Any advice on how I should set my rates per session?
Thank all of you for such great work.
Hi Ron. Thanks for writing! I hope you are an NGH member, if you are then you are in luck. Contact the NGH and ask them about setting up a chapter in your area. They will help you get in touch with all the NGH hypnotists in your area.
If you are a 5-PATHer then you can join our exclusive 5-PATH Group, and you can get lots of support and ideas there as well.
Regarding setting your rates, if there are no hypnotists in your area that would enable you to get an idea of what to charge, then check for locations that are similar to yours as far as population, rural vs urban and check those hypnotists. Make any adjustments accordingly.
If all else fails start off charging the minimum you would be willing to provide your service and then as you schedule fills up keep increasing your price until it affects your ability to book clients.
Thanks for watching our videos. Please pass it on to others! Also visit our page on http://www.facebook.com/hypnosisetc where we post more frequently about everything to do with hypnosis and hypnotherapy!
I think the need for support is widely felt - the first 3 to respond to the meeting expressed just that. I know I certainly felt isolated with my situation with no one to turn to. None of us should be an island!
I am SO enjoying the 5 Path Training. I cannot tell you how glad I am to have come across it! Thanks you for everything - the videos, the info, the training - all that you share. This IS what will elevate this profession to the level it should be at.
Thank you again Roberta. Comments like that make it all worth while! We really do put a lot of time and effort into producing these videos and doing other things to support hypnotists around the world.
I look forward to hearing about the great ways you have helped your clients. (Wait until you learn 7th Path Self-Hypnosis, it is even more amazing that 5-PATH!)
I'm so thrilled to hear how well received this episode has been. I know that this is such an important topic for me, and I'm happy that we got the conversation started on it. I think that it is so important to develop relationships with others in the field for mutual growth, for moral support, and sometimes just to remember that we aren't alone.
Cal and Brenda,
Once again...great video with LOTS of good info. In my town, I often do feel like the "Lonely Hypnotist" because in spite of attempts to get people together, it just doesn't happen. Even so, that's no excuse to settle with a "Woe is me" complex.
As Brenda said, continuing education is important. I schedule numerous hours each week to watch (or re-watch) Cal's videos, read books, the NGH Journal or get materials from other sources as well. The art of moving forward requires forward movement.
The most important part of my professional development are the relationships developed by the 5-PATH group or at the NGH Conference. Then, these podcasts always offer an aspect of the profession with some pearl of wisdom.
I'm always grateful for these podcasts that only require minimal time to focus on building our profession.
Thank You.
Tony Davis
Healing Hypnosis
Charlottesville, VA
Thanks Tony for your comment!
I'm so glad to hear you are continuing your study of 5-PATH and have found a place in our group.
I'm also pleased to hear that you are finding these videos of use. I am so honored to be able to do this, especially with my co-hosts, past and present.
With you on the Path,
Boy, was this timely! Thanks for your help today with my regression client, Cal. I really didn't have anywhere to turn for help. You were very generous with your time and provided really insightful guidance. I am svery grateful for your help for my client, and myself. I'm half way through the program and will be sending in the exam soon. I will be very interested in talking about your coaching session at that time.
Brenda and I are holding our first chapter meeting here in the Twin Cities in a couple of weeks. We'll see how many show up!
Hello Roberta, it was a pleasure talking with you on the phone yesterday. Congratulations on getting that NGH Chapter started. If you ever need a speaker or topic, just pick one of my podcasts,and it will almost be like I was there with you. I miss all the great people in the Twin Cities and MN!
Congratulations also on your decision to be a 5-PATHer! There is not better career path in our profession.
With you on the Path,
Thank you for this great video. I would love to find another local hypnosis practitioner in my area but have not found any here. I keep hearing from friends that years ago they tried this or that with their dr. Most tried to quit smoking but no one can tell me of any other practicing hypnotists. How can I go about finding any in my area. I have tried the yellow pages all the way through google searches. I live in Bristol Tennessee but any search online only shows Bristol in Europe. This also presents a problem when I try to determine a price for sessions. Any advice on how I should set my rates per session?
Thank all of you for such great work.
Hi Ron. Thanks for writing! I hope you are an NGH member, if you are then you are in luck. Contact the NGH and ask them about setting up a chapter in your area. They will help you get in touch with all the NGH hypnotists in your area.
You can also join an online group. I have such a group set up here, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Talk-About-Hypnosis/info This group has nearly 1900 members and you can "chat" with them.
If you are a 5-PATHer then you can join our exclusive 5-PATH Group, and you can get lots of support and ideas there as well.
Regarding setting your rates, if there are no hypnotists in your area that would enable you to get an idea of what to charge, then check for locations that are similar to yours as far as population, rural vs urban and check those hypnotists. Make any adjustments accordingly.
If all else fails start off charging the minimum you would be willing to provide your service and then as you schedule fills up keep increasing your price until it affects your ability to book clients.
Thanks for watching our videos. Please pass it on to others! Also visit our page on http://www.facebook.com/hypnosisetc where we post more frequently about everything to do with hypnosis and hypnotherapy!
I think the need for support is widely felt - the first 3 to respond to the meeting expressed just that. I know I certainly felt isolated with my situation with no one to turn to. None of us should be an island!
I am SO enjoying the 5 Path Training. I cannot tell you how glad I am to have come across it! Thanks you for everything - the videos, the info, the training - all that you share. This IS what will elevate this profession to the level it should be at.
Brenda - Where do we write with suggestion for upcoming videos?
Thank you again Roberta. Comments like that make it all worth while! We really do put a lot of time and effort into producing these videos and doing other things to support hypnotists around the world.
I look forward to hearing about the great ways you have helped your clients. (Wait until you learn 7th Path Self-Hypnosis, it is even more amazing that 5-PATH!)
With you on the Path,
I'm so thrilled to hear how well received this episode has been. I know that this is such an important topic for me, and I'm happy that we got the conversation started on it. I think that it is so important to develop relationships with others in the field for mutual growth, for moral support, and sometimes just to remember that we aren't alone.
Thank you everyone for your comments and input!!