I loved the podcast. I have a question for both of you. As a new hypnotist I am concerned with my clients safety and would like some input on how I can make my female clients feel safer during a session. Especially since I am a male and will be the only other person in the office until I am able to afford to hire a receptionist or another hypnosis practitioner to work in the office with me. I do plan to video each session as well mainly so I can review each session and improve where needed but also to protect myself if need be. Thank you both for the awesome work you are doing and I hope to become a 5 pather soon.
Hi Ron,
I know Brenda will have great advice for you since she's a real expert on this topic, but I think video taping your sessions will go a long way with your clients to protect them, and yourself. This demonstrates a level of professionalism and safety that clients will appreciate. Just make sure that you include in your intake forms that the sessions will be video recorded. If your just getting started I highly recommend the Business Startup Pack because it has all the intake forms and other information you'll want - it saved me hours of work and is well worth every penny. You can get it here: https://www.calbanyan.com/hypnosis-store/hypnosis-books-cds-dvds/hypnosis-hypnotherapy-video/business-start-up-pack.php
Hi Ron, thank you so much for your question and for your kind words. I believe that one of the biggest things to do to help your clients feel safe with you, is to have a high level of professionalism and good boundaries at all times. When the client sees you as a professional who is there to help them, then they will become more trusting and feel safer. Keeping boundaries (which starts with being professional will help as well). With really good boundaries, you want to remember that this is a client, not a friend, so I highly recommend not hugging them, maintaining professional physical distance, etc. I'd even be very careful with just the simple touch on the shoulder. Of course, video taping your sessions is definitely a good idea for all of the reasons you mentioned, I have a note in my intake forms that my sessions are recorded. The only person that I ever felt uncomfortable with in my office alone was the one person who pushed very hard to not have the sessions recorded, so you can see it's for the benefit of both the hypnotist and the client!
I hope that helps answer your question, and this might be something we'd like to talk about further when Cal is on. Now that we've gotten a female perspective, I'd like to hear a male's perspective!!
I loved the podcast. I have a question for both of you. As a new hypnotist I am concerned with my clients safety and would like some input on how I can make my female clients feel safer during a session. Especially since I am a male and will be the only other person in the office until I am able to afford to hire a receptionist or another hypnosis practitioner to work in the office with me. I do plan to video each session as well mainly so I can review each session and improve where needed but also to protect myself if need be. Thank you both for the awesome work you are doing and I hope to become a 5 pather soon.
Hi Ron,
I know Brenda will have great advice for you since she's a real expert on this topic, but I think video taping your sessions will go a long way with your clients to protect them, and yourself. This demonstrates a level of professionalism and safety that clients will appreciate. Just make sure that you include in your intake forms that the sessions will be video recorded. If your just getting started I highly recommend the Business Startup Pack because it has all the intake forms and other information you'll want - it saved me hours of work and is well worth every penny. You can get it here: https://www.calbanyan.com/hypnosis-store/hypnosis-books-cds-dvds/hypnosis-hypnotherapy-video/business-start-up-pack.php
Hi Ron, thank you so much for your question and for your kind words. I believe that one of the biggest things to do to help your clients feel safe with you, is to have a high level of professionalism and good boundaries at all times. When the client sees you as a professional who is there to help them, then they will become more trusting and feel safer. Keeping boundaries (which starts with being professional will help as well). With really good boundaries, you want to remember that this is a client, not a friend, so I highly recommend not hugging them, maintaining professional physical distance, etc. I'd even be very careful with just the simple touch on the shoulder. Of course, video taping your sessions is definitely a good idea for all of the reasons you mentioned, I have a note in my intake forms that my sessions are recorded. The only person that I ever felt uncomfortable with in my office alone was the one person who pushed very hard to not have the sessions recorded, so you can see it's for the benefit of both the hypnotist and the client!
I hope that helps answer your question, and this might be something we'd like to talk about further when Cal is on. Now that we've gotten a female perspective, I'd like to hear a male's perspective!!
Thank you both. This is what I wanted to know. Both of you and everyone doing the pod casts have been awesome. Thank you again.