Brenda you made me laugh! Your expression when remembering my box of recepts was priceless! Your idea of an actual program and organization for reciepts in monthly envelopes is a great idea or you could just use your hubby for things like that like I do LOL! I hand him the box. Actually this year he told me I have to help separate the receipts out. Dang!
You were great on this episode. I enjoyed meetinig you too. Your enthusiasm for Solid Gold really shows. I can't wait for your reaction to the NGH convention in August!
Don't worry about Cal's tradition of asking him if he has anything to add . I do that to him all the time. He is very patient....well most of the time LOL!
Thank you Cal for this great service to our community. I love how much I learn on these podcasts each week... Even when I'm on it! I hope that this information will inspire our viewers. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments!
I'm so glad you thought that was funny Celeste because it was completely meant that way. Once you start keeping the receipts separated you'll be so happy, it will be so much easier! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the episode. It's great to be a part of the team, to give back, and to help inspire others with my enthusiasm.
I've gotten great feedback on Cal's and my banter, he's definitely patient with us on the podcast.... But next time I promise to take a breath here and there and let him get a word in!
Brenda you made me laugh! Your expression when remembering my box of recepts was priceless! Your idea of an actual program and organization for reciepts in monthly envelopes is a great idea or you could just use your hubby for things like that like I do LOL! I hand him the box. Actually this year he told me I have to help separate the receipts out. Dang!
You were great on this episode. I enjoyed meetinig you too. Your enthusiasm for Solid Gold really shows. I can't wait for your reaction to the NGH convention in August!
Don't worry about Cal's tradition of asking him if he has anything to add . I do that to him all the time. He is very patient....well most of the time LOL!
Thank you Cal for this great service to our community. I love how much I learn on these podcasts each week... Even when I'm on it! I hope that this information will inspire our viewers. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments!
You are very welcome, and thanks to contributing to the profession of hypnotism through the work you are doing on
I'm so glad you thought that was funny Celeste because it was completely meant that way. Once you start keeping the receipts separated you'll be so happy, it will be so much easier! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the episode. It's great to be a part of the team, to give back, and to help inspire others with my enthusiasm.
I've gotten great feedback on Cal's and my banter, he's definitely patient with us on the podcast.... But next time I promise to take a breath here and there and let him get a word in!