How aweseome it would be to lecture or teach this stuff at a University level. We have so many counselors, therapists etc in our classes who are looking to learn hot to include hypnosis into their work. Something to really think about.
I really just want to say how much I appreciate the therapists that refer clients to us to help them through things. That is always so satisfying to give a helping hand like that.
Cal you talked about being a life saver to suicidal clients. I recently worked with a client who was a product of rape. Her whole life she couldn't shake the feeling that she had no right to be here and that she was bad for even being alive. I am happy to say that has all changed for her after our work together! Thanks so much for 5PATH Cal!
The part of this video where you suggest that hypnotists tell clients that they need to be kicking in their efforts, investining th process and allowing you to be in charge fo the sessions is priceless. I hope our 5PATH board watches this one.
How aweseome it would be to lecture or teach this stuff at a University level. We have so many counselors, therapists etc in our classes who are looking to learn hot to include hypnosis into their work. Something to really think about.
I really just want to say how much I appreciate the therapists that refer clients to us to help them through things. That is always so satisfying to give a helping hand like that.
Cal you talked about being a life saver to suicidal clients. I recently worked with a client who was a product of rape. Her whole life she couldn't shake the feeling that she had no right to be here and that she was bad for even being alive. I am happy to say that has all changed for her after our work together! Thanks so much for 5PATH Cal!
The part of this video where you suggest that hypnotists tell clients that they need to be kicking in their efforts, investining th process and allowing you to be in charge fo the sessions is priceless. I hope our 5PATH board watches this one.