The person I would like to work on is John Candy. I was so sorry to see him pass without any control.
You talked of believing in the client to bring the client to believe in themselves. I have different way of looking at this. I loan them my faith and help them find a mustard seed.
You are very welcome. We wish you great success in your hypnotherapy practice. If you have any questions please send them to us or post them in the comments area.
Kent Fullarton says
The person I would like to work on is John Candy. I was so sorry to see him pass without any control.
You talked of believing in the client to bring the client to believe in themselves. I have different way of looking at this. I loan them my faith and help them find a mustard seed.
Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH says
Hello Kent - Thanks for the input. We will add John Candy to our list.
Keep up the good work! And, please "Like" us on if you haven't already.
Let's do great things together,
Meredith Locher, MA, CH says
Hi Kent!
Thanks so much for the suggestion. I certainly would have loved the chance to 5-PATH John Candy!
Love that you're loaning your faith to your clients. I'm sure they are benefiting greatly as a result.
Happy Hypnotizing!
Kai Mott says
I can't wait to market my Hypnotherapy PRactice. BUt, I still have a long way to go in hypnotherapy. But, I like this idea here. Thanks for sharing.
Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH says
You are very welcome. We wish you great success in your hypnotherapy practice. If you have any questions please send them to us or post them in the comments area.
Let's do GREAT things together,