Hello Patricia - Sleep problems are some of the easiest things that we work on at our center.
I suggest that you find someone who is a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Teacher. He/she will be able to show you how to use this form of self-hypnosis to get back onto a normal healthy sleep pattern (rather quickly in most cases).
He or she may also want to do some regular hypnosis sessions with you as well. Everyone is different and a well trained and experienced 5-PATH/7th Path hypnosis professional should have no problem helping you out.
I have been on some medication that gave me insomnia. A narcotic was given to sleep but didn't work. Have you ever dealt with this? If so, how?
Hello Patricia - Sleep problems are some of the easiest things that we work on at our center.
I suggest that you find someone who is a 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Teacher. He/she will be able to show you how to use this form of self-hypnosis to get back onto a normal healthy sleep pattern (rather quickly in most cases).
He or she may also want to do some regular hypnosis sessions with you as well. Everyone is different and a well trained and experienced 5-PATH/7th Path hypnosis professional should have no problem helping you out.
Here's to your success!