Congratulations to you both! I love having surprise guests on like this. This adds variety of information, personality and perspective to the program.
To our audience in her excitement Maureen mispoke about the size of the NGH membership. Even the Guild is growiing and in many countries around the world, the membership is not 64,000. I expect that Maureen will post a comment shortly with and update to that number.
One last thing, when this video was recorded the Solid Gold Weekend began the next day. This is now a couple of weeks later, so now we will have to wait another year for the next Solid Gold Weekend. We are now turning our attention to getting as many hypnotists as we can to meet at the upcoming NGH Convention! For more information go to See you there.
I had a lot of fun "podcasting" with Patricia MacIsaac, I hope you all enjoyed it.
I need to correct that the NGH membership is approximately 20,000 and not 64,000 as mentioned in the podcast. The NGH is still the oldest and largest hypnosis organization in the world, who does more for their members than any other organization, become a member today and you will start enjoying the benefits.
Patricia and Maureen,
Congratulations to you both! I love having surprise guests on like this. This adds variety of information, personality and perspective to the program.
To our audience in her excitement Maureen mispoke about the size of the NGH membership. Even the Guild is growiing and in many countries around the world, the membership is not 64,000. I expect that Maureen will post a comment shortly with and update to that number.
One last thing, when this video was recorded the Solid Gold Weekend began the next day. This is now a couple of weeks later, so now we will have to wait another year for the next Solid Gold Weekend. We are now turning our attention to getting as many hypnotists as we can to meet at the upcoming NGH Convention! For more information go to See you there.
Hi everyone,
I had a lot of fun "podcasting" with Patricia MacIsaac, I hope you all enjoyed it.
I need to correct that the NGH membership is approximately 20,000 and not 64,000 as mentioned in the podcast. The NGH is still the oldest and largest hypnosis organization in the world, who does more for their members than any other organization, become a member today and you will start enjoying the benefits.
Best regards to all,
Maureen Banyan