DAVID QUIGLEY and the BANYAN HYPNOSIS CENTERPRESENTSThe Somatic Healing... Program for Injury, Pain and DiseaseWhen: Apr 2-3/11 9am to 6:30 pmClick Here for more details about this amazing workshop! Some of the technologies you will learn include: The Golden Sun ProcessAlchemical HealingHypnotic MovementAccess your Inner HealerColor Healing YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A HYPNOTIST
Archives for March 2011
NEW: For All of 2011 - Veterans & Active Military Get an Additional 20% Off!
Thank you for your service! AND for the rest of the year, we are going to give all honorably discharged veterans and active service military an additional 20% on our hypnosis certification courses. This applies to these professional certification courses: Banyan Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Certification Super CourseWeek of Power Advanced Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Certification This is just our way
Hypnosis Training Video Podcast #214: Q & A – Informed Child in a Past Life? Use Ideo-Motor Signals? And More!
Q & A – Informed Child in a Past Life? Use Ideo-Motor Signals? And More! Happy Hypno Friday everyone! Welcome to another free hypnosis training video here on www.CalBanyan.com. In this weeks’ episode of Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis Etc., Meredith asks me some of your questions. I love answering viewer questions, so leave a comment below
Hypnosis Training Video Podcast #213: The Time Tunneling Technique Part 3
The Time Tunneling Technique Part 3 Here we go again with another fun, entertaining and free hypnosis training video on www.CalBanyan.com. This episode of Cal Banyan’s Hypnosis Etc. continues with our subject of the Time Tunneling Technique™. Meredith gets me to answer a lot of your questions. If you have a question or comment, leave