Good series! I'm liking the T3 concept. I like especially how it shows that you're constantly trying to develop newer and better ways of doing things, even if it is "just" evolutionary, as you describe it, and not revolutionary. It's kind of tiresome seeing things get hyped as brand new revolutionary breakthroughs when so often they are just recycled and rearranged content with a new name. Evolution is good!
It takes a lot of guts to talk about how the old style affect-bridge is not something you rely upon anymore. I think some folks would just satisfied to milk whatever they've been used to teaching, holding on to something even if there's something better, just because it's the status quo. (I know there's a lot more to 5PATH than affect-bridge, but still...)
I like how this T3 makes it easier for clients by providing a metaphor for them to experience. It's a lot easier to follow suggestions when someone has a frame of reference to go by, and I can see how it would reduce client confusion about what they are supposed to be doing ("follow that feeling" is kinda vague).
As far as convincers I agree with you, the best convincer is the direct undeniable experience of being guided through an unusual and intense emotional process. I rarely intentionally use post-session convincers of the red-red-red variety because they seem irrelevant and potentially counterproductive.
I think the right place for using a convincer is early on during the session, in order to create the seed of the idea that something unusual and puzzling is indeed happening, it's not just "eyes closed and relaxed"... then it's easier to interact with their illogical emotional mind and for them to uncritically do weird stuff like "tunnel" and "regress" and talk to different parts of yourself (FOS/PMT) and people who aren't there (FOO).
As always, I enjoyed the podcast. I would think the TT technique might
be problematic for a person struggling with claustrophobia. Has this situation ever come up?
Steve - Thanks for the comment and positive words regarding TTT. I hope you will give it a try and let us know how it goes.
Ken - You raise an interesting question. I have not yet tried it with anyone I know to have a fear of enclosed spaces. It could work against us because of a refusal to go into the tunnel, or it could work for us because they would move to the end of the tunnel as quickly as possible. If they refuse, I would just resort to old-fashioned affect bridge.
Once you have found an SSE, lets say at 10, do you again repeat the same verbage used when you initially regressed the client such as "find the feeling in your body 12 and follow" etc or do you just use the "now follow that feeling back to an earlier time when you felt this way?"
Hi Ken - Thanks for leaving a comment. When I do an age regression session and an SSE is located, then I repeat the TTT to go back farther, and continue to repeat until I find the ISE.
So it would go something like this. 10, is that feeling familiar or new? (If it is familiar then I continue as follows.) Good, now were is that feeling in your body? (The client responds.) Good 10. Now focus on that feeling. It is a tunnel to the past. Now go right into it, and follow it back to the first time you felt that way. When you get to the end let me know by saying whether it is daytime or night time.
Continue in that way until the ISE is identified. Then do the Informed Child Technique and so on.
Here is one thing that I did not get into in the series but I would have liked to. If there is interest, I'll talk about it in an upcoming podcast. As I mentioned, I also do age PROgression. So after I have taken care of the ISE, and gone through the SSEs, then I'll do age progression using the TTT. Basically, after all the ISE/SSE work is done, I bring them back to the present and check how they are feeling in that place in their body where they had the emotionally painful feeling. Now they feel good there. I'll say something like this... Good now in a moment you are going to go into that good feeling you now have in your body (i.e., feeling of safety and security), and we are going to go into a future time where you can benefit from this change that you have made in yourself. Do that now, into that good feeling time tunnel and go into a future event where you can experence this change, and when you get there let me know by saying daytime or night time.
Once there in the future event, I will have them "previvify" (a word I made up that means to pre-live a probably future event which is the oposite of revivify which means to relive a past event). By taking them through this postitive TTT in age progression, I do two things. First, if the go to the future event and do not feel completely changed in the positive way, then that means that the age regression work done with TTT to the past was not done either effectively or completely. So more time Tunneling would be done until the change is complete (this would also be true if you had been doing affect bridge instead of TTT).
In the vast majority of cases the TTT has completely taken care of the problem by the time I do this age progression work, so now they just get the positive experience of the previvified event stored into the subconscious mind. This creates the subconscious expectation of success and provides confidence to the conscious mind. I will usually do the age progression previvification 2 or 3 times (to 2 to 3 probably future events). I may have the client previvify more events using TTT if I am working on performance issues such as when I am helping a client to improve performance in a sport.
Thanks agian for your question! This is fun. But now you know why some other trainers are made at me. They say I give away too much!
Thank you so much Cal and Meredith - for the 3 podcasts on TTT.
This is very exiting news. I have been using TTT in 7th Path classes and it makes perfect sense to evolve it into our 5-PATH sessions. To have it explained into details is really good - and an immense improvement / replacement of AIAR. I love every new technique that makes us more effecient.
An indeed you give out a lot Cal: thank you.
That is also what makes it all an exiting journey for us all - and an inspiration to keep improving ourselves and our hypno-skills. You and Meredith really vibrates enthusiam and positive energy in a way that can be felt - all the way to Denmark.
Hello Karen - Thank you so much for taking the time to send us a comment. We really do appreciate it. It is our honor to be able to consistently get this high quality cutting edge information out to 5-PATHers and hypnosis professionals around the world. We are so glad to have you with us on this journey!
Let us know how TTT works for you in your sessions.
Let's do great things together,
Cal http://www.Hypnosis.ORG
Free instruction on rapid inductions and more.
Hi All!
I love that we are getting so many comments and questions. Thanks so much, Steve, Ken, and Karen! We'll bring the questions to our next filming to cover them further and bring the answers to the world and it's not too late to send in more. Keep the questions coming so we can get you the information you need to start using TTT in your sessions.
All the best,
Good series! I'm liking the T3 concept. I like especially how it shows that you're constantly trying to develop newer and better ways of doing things, even if it is "just" evolutionary, as you describe it, and not revolutionary. It's kind of tiresome seeing things get hyped as brand new revolutionary breakthroughs when so often they are just recycled and rearranged content with a new name. Evolution is good!
It takes a lot of guts to talk about how the old style affect-bridge is not something you rely upon anymore. I think some folks would just satisfied to milk whatever they've been used to teaching, holding on to something even if there's something better, just because it's the status quo. (I know there's a lot more to 5PATH than affect-bridge, but still...)
I like how this T3 makes it easier for clients by providing a metaphor for them to experience. It's a lot easier to follow suggestions when someone has a frame of reference to go by, and I can see how it would reduce client confusion about what they are supposed to be doing ("follow that feeling" is kinda vague).
As far as convincers I agree with you, the best convincer is the direct undeniable experience of being guided through an unusual and intense emotional process. I rarely intentionally use post-session convincers of the red-red-red variety because they seem irrelevant and potentially counterproductive.
I think the right place for using a convincer is early on during the session, in order to create the seed of the idea that something unusual and puzzling is indeed happening, it's not just "eyes closed and relaxed"... then it's easier to interact with their illogical emotional mind and for them to uncritically do weird stuff like "tunnel" and "regress" and talk to different parts of yourself (FOS/PMT) and people who aren't there (FOO).
As always, I enjoyed the podcast. I would think the TT technique might
be problematic for a person struggling with claustrophobia. Has this situation ever come up?
Steve - Thanks for the comment and positive words regarding TTT. I hope you will give it a try and let us know how it goes.
Ken - You raise an interesting question. I have not yet tried it with anyone I know to have a fear of enclosed spaces. It could work against us because of a refusal to go into the tunnel, or it could work for us because they would move to the end of the tunnel as quickly as possible. If they refuse, I would just resort to old-fashioned affect bridge.
Thanks again for your comments!
Once you have found an SSE, lets say at 10, do you again repeat the same verbage used when you initially regressed the client such as "find the feeling in your body 12 and follow" etc or do you just use the "now follow that feeling back to an earlier time when you felt this way?"
Hi Ken - Thanks for leaving a comment. When I do an age regression session and an SSE is located, then I repeat the TTT to go back farther, and continue to repeat until I find the ISE.
So it would go something like this. 10, is that feeling familiar or new? (If it is familiar then I continue as follows.) Good, now were is that feeling in your body? (The client responds.) Good 10. Now focus on that feeling. It is a tunnel to the past. Now go right into it, and follow it back to the first time you felt that way. When you get to the end let me know by saying whether it is daytime or night time.
Continue in that way until the ISE is identified. Then do the Informed Child Technique and so on.
Here is one thing that I did not get into in the series but I would have liked to. If there is interest, I'll talk about it in an upcoming podcast. As I mentioned, I also do age PROgression. So after I have taken care of the ISE, and gone through the SSEs, then I'll do age progression using the TTT. Basically, after all the ISE/SSE work is done, I bring them back to the present and check how they are feeling in that place in their body where they had the emotionally painful feeling. Now they feel good there. I'll say something like this... Good now in a moment you are going to go into that good feeling you now have in your body (i.e., feeling of safety and security), and we are going to go into a future time where you can benefit from this change that you have made in yourself. Do that now, into that good feeling time tunnel and go into a future event where you can experence this change, and when you get there let me know by saying daytime or night time.
Once there in the future event, I will have them "previvify" (a word I made up that means to pre-live a probably future event which is the oposite of revivify which means to relive a past event). By taking them through this postitive TTT in age progression, I do two things. First, if the go to the future event and do not feel completely changed in the positive way, then that means that the age regression work done with TTT to the past was not done either effectively or completely. So more time Tunneling would be done until the change is complete (this would also be true if you had been doing affect bridge instead of TTT).
In the vast majority of cases the TTT has completely taken care of the problem by the time I do this age progression work, so now they just get the positive experience of the previvified event stored into the subconscious mind. This creates the subconscious expectation of success and provides confidence to the conscious mind. I will usually do the age progression previvification 2 or 3 times (to 2 to 3 probably future events). I may have the client previvify more events using TTT if I am working on performance issues such as when I am helping a client to improve performance in a sport.
Thanks agian for your question! This is fun. But now you know why some other trainers are made at me. They say I give away too much!
Learn a rapid induction for free.
Thank you so much Cal and Meredith - for the 3 podcasts on TTT.
This is very exiting news. I have been using TTT in 7th Path classes and it makes perfect sense to evolve it into our 5-PATH sessions. To have it explained into details is really good - and an immense improvement / replacement of AIAR. I love every new technique that makes us more effecient.
An indeed you give out a lot Cal: thank you.
That is also what makes it all an exiting journey for us all - and an inspiration to keep improving ourselves and our hypno-skills. You and Meredith really vibrates enthusiam and positive energy in a way that can be felt - all the way to Denmark.
Hello Karen - Thank you so much for taking the time to send us a comment. We really do appreciate it. It is our honor to be able to consistently get this high quality cutting edge information out to 5-PATHers and hypnosis professionals around the world. We are so glad to have you with us on this journey!
Let us know how TTT works for you in your sessions.
Let's do great things together,
Free instruction on rapid inductions and more.
Hi All!
I love that we are getting so many comments and questions. Thanks so much, Steve, Ken, and Karen! We'll bring the questions to our next filming to cover them further and bring the answers to the world and it's not too late to send in more. Keep the questions coming so we can get you the information you need to start using TTT in your sessions.
All the best,