Honestly Cal I have really tried tried to listen to these videos and learn something - I am struggling to make a living as a hypnotherapist seeing individuals one to one to help them with their issues. I could use a little help - instead I get a "coupla things I wanna squeeze in" at the end of almost 20 minutes of promotion and then the video ends. I dare you to limit yourself to 5 minutes of promotion and 15 minutes worth of teaching - whaddya think?
I too am a hypnotherapist who could use a little help and I've been working my way through these podcasts. I find it surprising that anyone could consider complaining about the amount of material contained within them.
Yes Cal includes marketing, but so what! Cal and his co-presenters give us their time and expertise for free and I am very grateful and find the information invaluable.
So thanks Cal, Meridith, Elron and Celeste. I am very grateful for all you do for the profession.
I am glad that you brought up the question about other hypnosis training. As in any profession, there can be a myriad of techniques to gain the desired result. A true professional selects the right tools, techniques and approaches to best serve their client and one size does not fit all.
I know I speak for many other 5-PATH'ers in saying how much more advanced and effective your training is, in achieving real and lasting results in the quickest amount of time. I appreciate all of the additional information that you provide in your weekly podcasts. Hearing you speak every week is like getting a "hypnocoach in a box!"
Cynthia Thurman
I going to suggest there is a wee bit of exaggeration in the above comment, I think (the one complaining that this podcast is nothing but 20 minutes of self-promotion). maybe more than a wee. I think it's an example of how people can see things thru a lens, that others do not see because they have a different lens.
These are not personal comments about the commenter because I have no personal experience with them, these are just general observations, especially about this field where so many well-meaning people are just wanting to help others by doing this work.
The lens of that comment seems to be colored by a high degree of frustration, from someone who is struggling and who is "really trying and trying" to learn something from these videos, but for some reason doesn't feel like they are getting even a little help from them.
Cal spends the first 5 minutes or so talking about the need for hypnotists to be in shape in order to succeed (both in terms of congruent marketing and physical energy), and talks about his personal story and a product that's helped him do that, while at the same time helping avoid a risky "all eggs in one basket" model. I guess you could see this as a useful lesson, or someone trying to promote something, or both.
Personally, this was a useful nudge to remember that search engine rankings (which I depend highly upon) are not set in stone and could change based on the whim of a Google engineer somewhere. That alone is valuable content, at least to me. Maybe I'll act on that nudge in time, maybe not, but it's up to me.
Then Cal talks about Dave Elman and how Elman's son is possibly going to be involved in future podcasts. I guess you could see that as an exciting possibility (especially for people who did not know that Elman's son was active in the field, and could offer a unique perspective on Elman's work), or you could look at that as someone trying to promote a future podcast, or both.
And if Cal puts a link to Dave Elman's Hypnotherapy book on the post, I guess you could look at that as valuable information for the people who are newly entering the field and who are unfamiliar with that important work, or you could see that as promoting a book, or both. I guess that also largely depends on whether a person understands that a podcast is directed towards a wide audience of people, many of whom may never have heard of Dave Elman or known that the book was available, or whether that person gets frustrated when a topic in a free blog post is not personally relevant to them.
And if Cal answers a question that was submitted about continually learning new techniques and approaches beyond what he teaches, by encouraging that and also talking about an upcoming big event where hypnotists can learn such new stuff from lots of different trainers, well I guess you could look at that as useful info (esp. for people who were not aware of the event), or promotional, or both.
You could see all things things as useful information, or someone trying to promote something, or both. Now, if someone were approaching things with a lens of frustration and also an aversion to promotional/marketing activities, I could understand how this would color the perception of the value of these blogs (not just Cal's, but all of these kinds of blogs). Because if someone thinks self-promotion is bad, and they encounter something which is both valuable-to-others and self-promotional, then it is natural to fail to see the value in that something, because it is human nature to primarily notice the aversive aspects.
I think people often feel that altruistic, non-promotional activity is more worthy. But underlying that judgment of worthiness is the basic preference to take value from others and not wanting to exchange value in return. So apparent non-promotional activity is typically a clever and polite way to disguise self-interest and exploit the sensitivity of others who are attracted to other people's altruism and averse to other people's self-interest.
And anyway, people who are not initially averse to promotion and marketing can often end up that way, when they discover that it takes more persistence and patience and work and luck and skill than they hoped for, leading to frustration.
So I would also suggest that perhaps the frustration and aversion to promotional/marketing activities that is felt by most people in any business, is also largely responsible for their lack of success and their failure to learn from/implement the lessons that are right in front of them. Because they can only feel their frustration and their struggle and failure to achieve results so far, they see things with a "this isn't helping me" attitude, shut down, and do not even notice what's right in front of them, and so are always looking for the secrets to success that are never going to be apparent to them (because there are none).
This is the only reasonable explanation that I can come up with when people are apparently upset because they feel they've been unable to learn anything or be helped even a little by this kind of content, which is free in the first place.
Once again, these are not personal comments about the commenter because I have no personal experience with them, these are just general observations that I'm making since a client forgot about todays appointment, thinking it was next weekend. I could get really frustrated about that but instead I think I'll take a nap in my office or maybe watch some Katy Perry videos.
PS. I think there are certainly a lot of blogs out there which provide free content but which also are content-free (especially the ones which market marketing services to people --- you know, the ones where social marketing experts purport to reveal the secrets to becoming expert social marketers). But to suggest that your podcasts do not have valuable content, seems to me at least, to be the result of distorted thinking, which we are all susceptible to at times of stress and frustration.
PPS. I am familiar with these podcasts enough that I usually skip 5 minutes or so into them, because I know that is where the "meat" will generally begin. I understand that there are many people who are newly encountering this material all the time, and so they can benefit from the boilerplate/promotional aspect of every podcast. No big deal.
Hi Cal, of course please feel free to approve this post or reject it, I just wanted to add some additional observations that are specific to Roman's site, in the interest of offering some specific help to him (which may be broadly useful to other struggling practitioners). I hope this adds value to this podcast, but who knows, maybe it's not what people want to hear.
Roman: I like very much how your website is nice and clean aesthetically. However, it is not clear what service you are offering. Are you expecting people to pay to you to teach them how to meditate and/or learn self-hypnosis? There seems to be a lot of emphasis on meditation and relaxation and it's relationship to self-hypnosis.
I see a small testimonial in small print regarding a smoking cessation client, but otherwise the site seems to be more interested in discussing things like Buddhism, mindfulness, Rene Descartes?
Does it occur to you that the market of people who are willing to pay to solve a problem using hypnosis, may not necessarily intersect with the market of people who are interested in meditation and Zen Buddhism and questions of consciousness?
This would be an interesting abstract discussion except for the fact that you state that you are trying to make a living through this work. So the fundamental problem that I see, just from taking a look at your site, is that you are trying to make a living by offering something to people who would have no interest in paying you for what is apparently being offered. (This is a problem with the appearance of the offering and how it is presented, not your skill or competence at helping people.)
As a potential client with a problem who is considering hypnosis, why would I want to pay you so that I can learn to meditate and "experience myself in the present moment"? And from your site it seems you are just going to teach me how to meditate and/or do self-hypnosis --- those are the main menu items. I've tried doing that already. I was looking for a hypnotist who would hypnotize me and help solve a problem, not someone who was going to teach me how to feel centered in the moment (whatever that means) or explain consciousness and Zen philosophy to me.
If, offline, you tell people you can help them solve a problem with hypnosis, and drive them to the website, there doesn't seem to be much evidence of it on the site itself, or even much emphasis on hypnosis, except in the broadest terms which basically says "Hypnosis is very effective in helping stop bad habits and becoming less anxious". That's great, but as a potential client, I don't care if hypnosis is effective, what I really care about is... are YOU?
You mention that you have a special interest in things like stress reduction, addictions and academic and sports enhancement. What does that mean... a "special interest"? Can you actually help people like me or not?
It is a muddled message that is getting across.
I hope these perspectives help you Roman (and maybe others who are struggling in this field). I bet you are someone who can help many people with your skills, but the message you are getting across to the marketplace is not a message that will pay off. Even if you are not reliant on the website, but instead focus on networking and other offline methods, when people who would be interested are driven to your site for further info, I think they would be kind of confused as to why they should pay you, specifically, to help them with their problem. After checking out your site, they probably think you are a nice, interesting person, but I think almost no one would pay money to someone just on that basis, and so it's not reasonable to expect to make a living on that basis either.
Great show as always, you do great on your own, but the laughs I get from Elron
And to roman.
I have been listening to the last about 100 podcasts, and I have to totally disagree with you.
First about marketing yourself on a podcast, where by the way Cal’s marketing at most is how good the information we are getting by listening to him, but the point of doing free podcast is marketing.
Second, how do you expect to get a class in 20 minutes? This is a place where you sharpen your skills and get some tips and techniques, from the professionals. Beside when every now and then there is a series, like on forgiveness, where you do get a real full class, and it’s free.
Third, I have personally taken out at least one tip or advice, that I was able to use right in to my next session, and kept my success going up with my clients, in each episode.
As for this episode, I took out.
-Advice on how to not get burned out fast
-A hypnotherapist should be a role model, and serve as an example to clients
-Advice on keeping a second income, beside only seeing clients
-Support for 5 and 7 path’s
-Advice of phrasing and connecting with your clients for success
-And some promotion for the NGH
I must say I’m only a hypnotherapist for 3 years, and thanks to cal and 5-path it has helped me build up a practice where I can see as many as 15- 18 clients a week, and they see great results and in a short time.
To total up, I think your comment is rude and unfair, even if some are less information then others in total its free good support and training, and cal got the award from the NGH for that.
My advice to you is to listen what cal says, and become a certified 5-path’r, get the marketing tools from cal and do it.
I want to thank everyone who has commented so far. Taylor, my IT guy is investigating why the video ends abruptly. It appears that the video was corrupted by the video hosting service that we use (blip.tv). We will have the problem fixed as soon as we can.
And to all of you who have made supporting comments about the hypnosis training videos that we post here, I am sending you an extra BIG THANK YOU and lots of really good vibes! 🙂
I also want to take this opportunity to say that I appreciate every single person who takes the time to watch or listen to our free hypnosis training series, Hypnosis, Etc. I am often told by other teachers in the profession that I "give away too much". But I don't listen to them even if they get angry at me.
Each and every week I strive, along with my co-hosts Meredith and Elronn, to give you two or three and sometimes more "nuggets" that you probably wouldn't get anywhere else, which we expect are helping hypnotists and hypnotherapists around the world to be more successful. AND, we will continue to do so.
You will see me back next week for another "All-Cal" episode. If you find some parts of that program (or any of the episodes) to be boring, irrelevant, or too commercial, just skip ahead. I'm sure some are already doing that (like Steve). That is alright with me. Those interested in what I happen to be promoting, be it Isagenix, a stage hypnosis course, the NGH Solid Gold Weekend, the NGH Convention, or one of my courses, can view the information, and those who aren't interested can just skip ahead.
Good news. It appears that Taylor has fixed the problem with the video. If anyone finds that the video is not working properly email him at taylor@hypnosis.org.
Hi Cal, just want to say to you and all that one of the main reasons for joining your class what the MASSIVE value add material that you offer so selflessly.
I have done Hypnosis with another school before joining the Banyan Hypnosis Center and until now I have not found any other school that can match the generosity and honest interest in us graduates to get the very best.
A note to Roman: Fist of all thank you for your post and for giving us the opportunity to reply to Cal and to you.
This is my observation; when a person is not able to recognize value or greatness in others is simply because that person is not able to recognize his own value/greatness; is a blind spot.
Roman, since you have chosen Hypnosis as a profession there may be a genuine interest in you to help others, I suggest to you to read the article on MASTERY by Steward Emery and go through it again and again.
The steps to Mastery according to Steward are:
1- The removal of mediocrity by assessing and surrounding yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do
2- Develop compassion for yourself
3- Remove resentment toward Masters (people who have attained Mastery)
4- Remain open and receptive
Mastery is a product of practice and how quickly you can correct without invalidating yourself or others...
To me and us graduates from Cal's classes, Cal is a Master in what he does and that is why we come to learn from him; the experience of learning from a Master like Cal is humbling, enriching and empowering. I guess to see it this way you got to want to see it this way. This is how I see it.
And Roman, do not expect Cal to enhance your practice just because he is posting this amazing value add videos; you also got to do your part and this I say with respect and compassion. You can do it 🙂
And selling and marketing is a VITAL skill in order to have a successful practice; if you have resistance to people promoting themselves; you may want to seek support to overcome this as this will block you from your own success.
Hi Cal, just want to say to you and all that one of the main reasons for joining your class was the MASSIVE value add material that you offer so selflessly.
I have done Hypnosis with another school before joining the Banyan Hypnosis Center and until now I have not found any other school that can match the generosity and honest interest in us graduates to get the very best.
A note to Roman: Fist of all thank you for your post and for giving us the opportunity to reply to Cal and to you.
This is my observation; when a person is not able to recognize value or greatness in others is simply because that person is not able to recognize his own value/greatness; is a blind spot.
Roman, since you have chosen Hypnosis as a profession there may be a genuine interest in you to help others, I suggest to you to read the article on MASTERY by Steward Emery and go through it again and again.
The steps to Mastery according to Steward are:
1- The removal of mediocrity by assessing and surrounding yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do
2- Develop compassion for yourself
3- Remove resentment toward Masters (people who have attained Mastery)
4- Remain open and receptive
Mastery is a product of practice and how quickly you can correct without invalidating yourself or others…
To me and us graduates from Cal’s classes, Cal is a Master in what he does and that is why we come to learn from him; the experience of learning from a Master like Cal is humbling, enriching and empowering. I guess to see it this way you got to want to see it this way. This is how I see it.
And Roman, do not expect Cal to enhance your practice just because he is posting this amazing value add videos; you also got to do your part and this I say with respect and compassion. You can do it
And selling and marketing is a VITAL skill in order to have a successful practice; if you have resistance to people promoting themselves; you may want to seek support to overcome this as this will block you from your own success.
Much love and success to all
Giselle Gianella Gabe – CPHI, CH
Hello Giselle - Thanks so much for your comment. Here at the Banyan Hypnosis Center we really do care about not only our students and grads, but also the profession at large. Thank you for recognizing that.
Wow. It's so great to see so many people participating!! First let me say how important it is to take feedback in stride and to present feedback in a way that can be at least looked at instead of defended against or simply discounted all together.
Regardless of the quality of the podcast in question, I think the most important thing to recognize is not all podcasts contain platinum nuggets to the common perception... some may contain silver or bronze or even brass nuggets... (to continue with the precious metal metaphor) Every week we try to have new and refreshing content on this podcast, knowing that there are a lot of topics that we have already done to death!
We are all in this profession together, so kudos to anyone who dares to go out there and do this work!
Hopefully the new episodes will create just as much discussion as I have seen on here so far this week!
Hi All! And Happy New Year! So happy to see all the comments and dialoguing going on here. All opinions matter and are welcome.
If you have questions or topic suggestions, definitely send them to me at meredith@yourpathhypnosis.com. They can also be posted here or on the Ask Cal Group on OurHypnoSpace.com.
It is really important to know that these podcasts are simply supplemental information. Most of us would never try to survive cutting out all food and living on supplements alone. We have to treat information in the same way. These podcasts will never be the entire answer, replace an entire class or be the way to save a struggling business. With these episodes, we always strive to help everyone to remember what they already know or to learn something in a deeper way or to think about a subject a little differently or at times, to learn something new altogether. These podcasts are about community and sharing as well as informational. By no means are these podcasts ever going to save a practice or help someone create one from scratch, but they will offer tips, tricks and techniques to help bring a practice to the next level.
On another topic... Elronn and I are about to record 4 more Hypnosis, Etc. podcasts. We are going to talk about controversial topics for a while. Here are some we are considering and would love to have your suggestions!
1. Should hypnotists be licensed?
2. Should we use the title hypnotherapist, hypnotist or consulting hypnotist?
3. Should hypnotists have "relationships" with their clients?
4. Should hypnotists work with their friends and family members?
5. Should hypnotists get permission from their clients to use age regression?
6. Should hypnotists urge their clients to continue if it is painful?
7. Should hypnotists urge clients to refer friends or family?
8. Should hypnotists offer incentives to their clients for referrals?
9. Should hypnotists offer a percentage of the services for free (pro bono)?
10. Should hypnotists offer information about themselves to build rapport?
11. Should hypnotists allow parents to observe sessions done with minor children?
12. Should hypnotists alert the authorities when they learn about abuse?
13. What is the minimum number of hours of training a hypnotist should receive to become certified?
14. Should a hypnotist see a minimum number of clients per year in order to continue to be certified?
15. Should a hypnosis trainer or instructor see a minimum number of clients in order to teach certification courses?
16. Should continuing education be required of hypnosis professionals?
17. Should hypnotist do past life regression when they don’t believe in it?
18. Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
19. Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
20. Should hypnotists be allowed to date clients?
21. Should hypnotists who smoke do sessions for smoking cessation?
22. Should obese hypnotists provide weight loss sessions?
Thanks so much for those who took the time to answer my comment - I was definitely in the wrong mood for that particular podcast. (Don't get me started on Isagenix and multi level marketing. There is no secret to weight loss - but if it works for you go for it.) I sincerely apologize if I was insulting to Cal. To Steve R. who took the time to analyze my website - you are correct - If you see this post take a look at the new revised version. Giselle thank you for your encouragement."I am never completely without merit - I can always serve as a bad example"
Hi Roman - Thanks again for your comment. Don't worry about Isagenix it is absolutely great stuff. It turned my health around, and you don't have to get involved in MLM to get it, use it and love it. Clients love it too!
Honestly Cal I have really tried tried to listen to these videos and learn something - I am struggling to make a living as a hypnotherapist seeing individuals one to one to help them with their issues. I could use a little help - instead I get a "coupla things I wanna squeeze in" at the end of almost 20 minutes of promotion and then the video ends. I dare you to limit yourself to 5 minutes of promotion and 15 minutes worth of teaching - whaddya think?
Best regards
Roman Buchok
I felt the need to comment on Roman's comment.
I too am a hypnotherapist who could use a little help and I've been working my way through these podcasts. I find it surprising that anyone could consider complaining about the amount of material contained within them.
Yes Cal includes marketing, but so what! Cal and his co-presenters give us their time and expertise for free and I am very grateful and find the information invaluable.
So thanks Cal, Meridith, Elron and Celeste. I am very grateful for all you do for the profession.
I am glad that you brought up the question about other hypnosis training. As in any profession, there can be a myriad of techniques to gain the desired result. A true professional selects the right tools, techniques and approaches to best serve their client and one size does not fit all.
I know I speak for many other 5-PATH'ers in saying how much more advanced and effective your training is, in achieving real and lasting results in the quickest amount of time. I appreciate all of the additional information that you provide in your weekly podcasts. Hearing you speak every week is like getting a "hypnocoach in a box!"
Cynthia Thurman
Hi there,
I going to suggest there is a wee bit of exaggeration in the above comment, I think (the one complaining that this podcast is nothing but 20 minutes of self-promotion). maybe more than a wee. I think it's an example of how people can see things thru a lens, that others do not see because they have a different lens.
These are not personal comments about the commenter because I have no personal experience with them, these are just general observations, especially about this field where so many well-meaning people are just wanting to help others by doing this work.
The lens of that comment seems to be colored by a high degree of frustration, from someone who is struggling and who is "really trying and trying" to learn something from these videos, but for some reason doesn't feel like they are getting even a little help from them.
Cal spends the first 5 minutes or so talking about the need for hypnotists to be in shape in order to succeed (both in terms of congruent marketing and physical energy), and talks about his personal story and a product that's helped him do that, while at the same time helping avoid a risky "all eggs in one basket" model. I guess you could see this as a useful lesson, or someone trying to promote something, or both.
Personally, this was a useful nudge to remember that search engine rankings (which I depend highly upon) are not set in stone and could change based on the whim of a Google engineer somewhere. That alone is valuable content, at least to me. Maybe I'll act on that nudge in time, maybe not, but it's up to me.
Then Cal talks about Dave Elman and how Elman's son is possibly going to be involved in future podcasts. I guess you could see that as an exciting possibility (especially for people who did not know that Elman's son was active in the field, and could offer a unique perspective on Elman's work), or you could look at that as someone trying to promote a future podcast, or both.
And if Cal puts a link to Dave Elman's Hypnotherapy book on the post, I guess you could look at that as valuable information for the people who are newly entering the field and who are unfamiliar with that important work, or you could see that as promoting a book, or both. I guess that also largely depends on whether a person understands that a podcast is directed towards a wide audience of people, many of whom may never have heard of Dave Elman or known that the book was available, or whether that person gets frustrated when a topic in a free blog post is not personally relevant to them.
And if Cal answers a question that was submitted about continually learning new techniques and approaches beyond what he teaches, by encouraging that and also talking about an upcoming big event where hypnotists can learn such new stuff from lots of different trainers, well I guess you could look at that as useful info (esp. for people who were not aware of the event), or promotional, or both.
You could see all things things as useful information, or someone trying to promote something, or both. Now, if someone were approaching things with a lens of frustration and also an aversion to promotional/marketing activities, I could understand how this would color the perception of the value of these blogs (not just Cal's, but all of these kinds of blogs). Because if someone thinks self-promotion is bad, and they encounter something which is both valuable-to-others and self-promotional, then it is natural to fail to see the value in that something, because it is human nature to primarily notice the aversive aspects.
I think people often feel that altruistic, non-promotional activity is more worthy. But underlying that judgment of worthiness is the basic preference to take value from others and not wanting to exchange value in return. So apparent non-promotional activity is typically a clever and polite way to disguise self-interest and exploit the sensitivity of others who are attracted to other people's altruism and averse to other people's self-interest.
And anyway, people who are not initially averse to promotion and marketing can often end up that way, when they discover that it takes more persistence and patience and work and luck and skill than they hoped for, leading to frustration.
So I would also suggest that perhaps the frustration and aversion to promotional/marketing activities that is felt by most people in any business, is also largely responsible for their lack of success and their failure to learn from/implement the lessons that are right in front of them. Because they can only feel their frustration and their struggle and failure to achieve results so far, they see things with a "this isn't helping me" attitude, shut down, and do not even notice what's right in front of them, and so are always looking for the secrets to success that are never going to be apparent to them (because there are none).
This is the only reasonable explanation that I can come up with when people are apparently upset because they feel they've been unable to learn anything or be helped even a little by this kind of content, which is free in the first place.
Once again, these are not personal comments about the commenter because I have no personal experience with them, these are just general observations that I'm making since a client forgot about todays appointment, thinking it was next weekend. I could get really frustrated about that but instead I think I'll take a nap in my office or maybe watch some Katy Perry videos.
PS. I think there are certainly a lot of blogs out there which provide free content but which also are content-free (especially the ones which market marketing services to people --- you know, the ones where social marketing experts purport to reveal the secrets to becoming expert social marketers). But to suggest that your podcasts do not have valuable content, seems to me at least, to be the result of distorted thinking, which we are all susceptible to at times of stress and frustration.
PPS. I am familiar with these podcasts enough that I usually skip 5 minutes or so into them, because I know that is where the "meat" will generally begin. I understand that there are many people who are newly encountering this material all the time, and so they can benefit from the boilerplate/promotional aspect of every podcast. No big deal.
Hi Cal, of course please feel free to approve this post or reject it, I just wanted to add some additional observations that are specific to Roman's site, in the interest of offering some specific help to him (which may be broadly useful to other struggling practitioners). I hope this adds value to this podcast, but who knows, maybe it's not what people want to hear.
Roman: I like very much how your website is nice and clean aesthetically. However, it is not clear what service you are offering. Are you expecting people to pay to you to teach them how to meditate and/or learn self-hypnosis? There seems to be a lot of emphasis on meditation and relaxation and it's relationship to self-hypnosis.
I see a small testimonial in small print regarding a smoking cessation client, but otherwise the site seems to be more interested in discussing things like Buddhism, mindfulness, Rene Descartes?
Does it occur to you that the market of people who are willing to pay to solve a problem using hypnosis, may not necessarily intersect with the market of people who are interested in meditation and Zen Buddhism and questions of consciousness?
This would be an interesting abstract discussion except for the fact that you state that you are trying to make a living through this work. So the fundamental problem that I see, just from taking a look at your site, is that you are trying to make a living by offering something to people who would have no interest in paying you for what is apparently being offered. (This is a problem with the appearance of the offering and how it is presented, not your skill or competence at helping people.)
As a potential client with a problem who is considering hypnosis, why would I want to pay you so that I can learn to meditate and "experience myself in the present moment"? And from your site it seems you are just going to teach me how to meditate and/or do self-hypnosis --- those are the main menu items. I've tried doing that already. I was looking for a hypnotist who would hypnotize me and help solve a problem, not someone who was going to teach me how to feel centered in the moment (whatever that means) or explain consciousness and Zen philosophy to me.
If, offline, you tell people you can help them solve a problem with hypnosis, and drive them to the website, there doesn't seem to be much evidence of it on the site itself, or even much emphasis on hypnosis, except in the broadest terms which basically says "Hypnosis is very effective in helping stop bad habits and becoming less anxious". That's great, but as a potential client, I don't care if hypnosis is effective, what I really care about is... are YOU?
You mention that you have a special interest in things like stress reduction, addictions and academic and sports enhancement. What does that mean... a "special interest"? Can you actually help people like me or not?
It is a muddled message that is getting across.
I hope these perspectives help you Roman (and maybe others who are struggling in this field). I bet you are someone who can help many people with your skills, but the message you are getting across to the marketplace is not a message that will pay off. Even if you are not reliant on the website, but instead focus on networking and other offline methods, when people who would be interested are driven to your site for further info, I think they would be kind of confused as to why they should pay you, specifically, to help them with their problem. After checking out your site, they probably think you are a nice, interesting person, but I think almost no one would pay money to someone just on that basis, and so it's not reasonable to expect to make a living on that basis either.
Hello cal happy new year to you and your family.
Great show as always, you do great on your own, but the laughs I get from Elron
And to roman.
I have been listening to the last about 100 podcasts, and I have to totally disagree with you.
First about marketing yourself on a podcast, where by the way Cal’s marketing at most is how good the information we are getting by listening to him, but the point of doing free podcast is marketing.
Second, how do you expect to get a class in 20 minutes? This is a place where you sharpen your skills and get some tips and techniques, from the professionals. Beside when every now and then there is a series, like on forgiveness, where you do get a real full class, and it’s free.
Third, I have personally taken out at least one tip or advice, that I was able to use right in to my next session, and kept my success going up with my clients, in each episode.
As for this episode, I took out.
-Advice on how to not get burned out fast
-A hypnotherapist should be a role model, and serve as an example to clients
-Advice on keeping a second income, beside only seeing clients
-Support for 5 and 7 path’s
-Advice of phrasing and connecting with your clients for success
-And some promotion for the NGH
I must say I’m only a hypnotherapist for 3 years, and thanks to cal and 5-path it has helped me build up a practice where I can see as many as 15- 18 clients a week, and they see great results and in a short time.
To total up, I think your comment is rude and unfair, even if some are less information then others in total its free good support and training, and cal got the award from the NGH for that.
My advice to you is to listen what cal says, and become a certified 5-path’r, get the marketing tools from cal and do it.
Issac Weiss, BCH. SWT.
I want to thank everyone who has commented so far. Taylor, my IT guy is investigating why the video ends abruptly. It appears that the video was corrupted by the video hosting service that we use (blip.tv). We will have the problem fixed as soon as we can.
And to all of you who have made supporting comments about the hypnosis training videos that we post here, I am sending you an extra BIG THANK YOU and lots of really good vibes! 🙂
I also want to take this opportunity to say that I appreciate every single person who takes the time to watch or listen to our free hypnosis training series, Hypnosis, Etc. I am often told by other teachers in the profession that I "give away too much". But I don't listen to them even if they get angry at me.
Each and every week I strive, along with my co-hosts Meredith and Elronn, to give you two or three and sometimes more "nuggets" that you probably wouldn't get anywhere else, which we expect are helping hypnotists and hypnotherapists around the world to be more successful. AND, we will continue to do so.
You will see me back next week for another "All-Cal" episode. If you find some parts of that program (or any of the episodes) to be boring, irrelevant, or too commercial, just skip ahead. I'm sure some are already doing that (like Steve). That is alright with me. Those interested in what I happen to be promoting, be it Isagenix, a stage hypnosis course, the NGH Solid Gold Weekend, the NGH Convention, or one of my courses, can view the information, and those who aren't interested can just skip ahead.
Let's do GREAT things together,
Good news. It appears that Taylor has fixed the problem with the video. If anyone finds that the video is not working properly email him at taylor@hypnosis.org.
Thanks for your input! 🙂
where do we post questions or topics we would like you to talk about?
Issac Weiss, BCH
Hi Cal, just want to say to you and all that one of the main reasons for joining your class what the MASSIVE value add material that you offer so selflessly.
I have done Hypnosis with another school before joining the Banyan Hypnosis Center and until now I have not found any other school that can match the generosity and honest interest in us graduates to get the very best.
A note to Roman: Fist of all thank you for your post and for giving us the opportunity to reply to Cal and to you.
This is my observation; when a person is not able to recognize value or greatness in others is simply because that person is not able to recognize his own value/greatness; is a blind spot.
Roman, since you have chosen Hypnosis as a profession there may be a genuine interest in you to help others, I suggest to you to read the article on MASTERY by Steward Emery and go through it again and again.
The steps to Mastery according to Steward are:
1- The removal of mediocrity by assessing and surrounding yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do
2- Develop compassion for yourself
3- Remove resentment toward Masters (people who have attained Mastery)
4- Remain open and receptive
Mastery is a product of practice and how quickly you can correct without invalidating yourself or others...
To me and us graduates from Cal's classes, Cal is a Master in what he does and that is why we come to learn from him; the experience of learning from a Master like Cal is humbling, enriching and empowering. I guess to see it this way you got to want to see it this way. This is how I see it.
And Roman, do not expect Cal to enhance your practice just because he is posting this amazing value add videos; you also got to do your part and this I say with respect and compassion. You can do it 🙂
And selling and marketing is a VITAL skill in order to have a successful practice; if you have resistance to people promoting themselves; you may want to seek support to overcome this as this will block you from your own success.
Much love and success to all
Giselle Gianella Gabe - CPHI, CH
Hi Cal, just want to say to you and all that one of the main reasons for joining your class was the MASSIVE value add material that you offer so selflessly.
I have done Hypnosis with another school before joining the Banyan Hypnosis Center and until now I have not found any other school that can match the generosity and honest interest in us graduates to get the very best.
A note to Roman: Fist of all thank you for your post and for giving us the opportunity to reply to Cal and to you.
This is my observation; when a person is not able to recognize value or greatness in others is simply because that person is not able to recognize his own value/greatness; is a blind spot.
Roman, since you have chosen Hypnosis as a profession there may be a genuine interest in you to help others, I suggest to you to read the article on MASTERY by Steward Emery and go through it again and again.
The steps to Mastery according to Steward are:
1- The removal of mediocrity by assessing and surrounding yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do
2- Develop compassion for yourself
3- Remove resentment toward Masters (people who have attained Mastery)
4- Remain open and receptive
Mastery is a product of practice and how quickly you can correct without invalidating yourself or others…
To me and us graduates from Cal’s classes, Cal is a Master in what he does and that is why we come to learn from him; the experience of learning from a Master like Cal is humbling, enriching and empowering. I guess to see it this way you got to want to see it this way. This is how I see it.
And Roman, do not expect Cal to enhance your practice just because he is posting this amazing value add videos; you also got to do your part and this I say with respect and compassion. You can do it
And selling and marketing is a VITAL skill in order to have a successful practice; if you have resistance to people promoting themselves; you may want to seek support to overcome this as this will block you from your own success.
Much love and success to all
Giselle Gianella Gabe – CPHI, CH
Hello Issac - Please send your topic suggestions and questions to meredith@yourpathhypnosis.com. We will do our best to cover them on the show.
Thanks for your comments.
Hello Giselle - Thanks so much for your comment. Here at the Banyan Hypnosis Center we really do care about not only our students and grads, but also the profession at large. Thank you for recognizing that.
With you on the Path,
Wow. It's so great to see so many people participating!! First let me say how important it is to take feedback in stride and to present feedback in a way that can be at least looked at instead of defended against or simply discounted all together.
Regardless of the quality of the podcast in question, I think the most important thing to recognize is not all podcasts contain platinum nuggets to the common perception... some may contain silver or bronze or even brass nuggets... (to continue with the precious metal metaphor) Every week we try to have new and refreshing content on this podcast, knowing that there are a lot of topics that we have already done to death!
We are all in this profession together, so kudos to anyone who dares to go out there and do this work!
Hopefully the new episodes will create just as much discussion as I have seen on here so far this week!
Everyone keep up the good work!
Hi All! And Happy New Year! So happy to see all the comments and dialoguing going on here. All opinions matter and are welcome.
If you have questions or topic suggestions, definitely send them to me at meredith@yourpathhypnosis.com. They can also be posted here or on the Ask Cal Group on OurHypnoSpace.com.
It is really important to know that these podcasts are simply supplemental information. Most of us would never try to survive cutting out all food and living on supplements alone. We have to treat information in the same way. These podcasts will never be the entire answer, replace an entire class or be the way to save a struggling business. With these episodes, we always strive to help everyone to remember what they already know or to learn something in a deeper way or to think about a subject a little differently or at times, to learn something new altogether. These podcasts are about community and sharing as well as informational. By no means are these podcasts ever going to save a practice or help someone create one from scratch, but they will offer tips, tricks and techniques to help bring a practice to the next level.
Keep on sharing!
On another topic... Elronn and I are about to record 4 more Hypnosis, Etc. podcasts. We are going to talk about controversial topics for a while. Here are some we are considering and would love to have your suggestions!
1. Should hypnotists be licensed?
2. Should we use the title hypnotherapist, hypnotist or consulting hypnotist?
3. Should hypnotists have "relationships" with their clients?
4. Should hypnotists work with their friends and family members?
5. Should hypnotists get permission from their clients to use age regression?
6. Should hypnotists urge their clients to continue if it is painful?
7. Should hypnotists urge clients to refer friends or family?
8. Should hypnotists offer incentives to their clients for referrals?
9. Should hypnotists offer a percentage of the services for free (pro bono)?
10. Should hypnotists offer information about themselves to build rapport?
11. Should hypnotists allow parents to observe sessions done with minor children?
12. Should hypnotists alert the authorities when they learn about abuse?
13. What is the minimum number of hours of training a hypnotist should receive to become certified?
14. Should a hypnotist see a minimum number of clients per year in order to continue to be certified?
15. Should a hypnosis trainer or instructor see a minimum number of clients in order to teach certification courses?
16. Should continuing education be required of hypnosis professionals?
17. Should hypnotist do past life regression when they don’t believe in it?
18. Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
19. Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
20. Should hypnotists be allowed to date clients?
21. Should hypnotists who smoke do sessions for smoking cessation?
22. Should obese hypnotists provide weight loss sessions?
Thanks so much for those who took the time to answer my comment - I was definitely in the wrong mood for that particular podcast. (Don't get me started on Isagenix and multi level marketing. There is no secret to weight loss - but if it works for you go for it.) I sincerely apologize if I was insulting to Cal. To Steve R. who took the time to analyze my website - you are correct - If you see this post take a look at the new revised version. Giselle thank you for your encouragement."I am never completely without merit - I can always serve as a bad example"
Hi Roman - Thanks again for your comment. Don't worry about Isagenix it is absolutely great stuff. It turned my health around, and you don't have to get involved in MLM to get it, use it and love it. Clients love it too!
Have a GREAT year Roman!