However, I'm somewhat dismayed at your convoluted advice that, even though we're perfect we can still evolve.
Makes no sense that we're perfect yet there's things that we need to change. Evolution is fine and you certainly provide a lot of tools for hypnotists to help themselves. That's great.
The danger in telling practitioners that they are perfect already is that they will disregard the opportunities for further evolvement (is that a word?) and behave arrogantly and conceitedly like some hypnotists we both know.
Keep up the good work, Cal, even though you're perfect as is. [Love to get your daughter's view of that :-)]
Re: controversial topics -- touching clients can be positive or negative. NOT touching a client with, say, a handshake,can be harmful. But so can touching that encompasses hugs and squeezes. It's a touchy subject.
Thanks for the comment. I stand by my assertion. 🙂
You are perfect! Everything that you are is perfectly designed to have this evolutionary experience
This does not mean that your skills are perfect. Nor does it mean that everything that we do will have the desired results. I mean that you are perfectly able to evolve because of what you do and the experiences that you have.
With experience we can continue to achieve higher understanding and perspective about ourselves, our clients, our profession and just about everything. This is one kind of evolution.
You (and everyone else) were perfectly designed to evolve during this Earthly experience. We came into our lives customized and fully equipped.
Sorry about my sniffles during this episode. Usually if I have to sniff or cough, I do it while Elronn or Meredith is talking. 🙂
Please forgive me! But, even with the sniffles I had get this out to you. As they say, "The show must go on." (I probably picked up a bit of a cold while out riding on my Harley over the Holiday. Oh well, it WAS worth it.)
Glad to see that you've mellowed for 2011, Cal.
Also appreciate that you live what you preach.
However, I'm somewhat dismayed at your convoluted advice that, even though we're perfect we can still evolve.
Makes no sense that we're perfect yet there's things that we need to change. Evolution is fine and you certainly provide a lot of tools for hypnotists to help themselves. That's great.
The danger in telling practitioners that they are perfect already is that they will disregard the opportunities for further evolvement (is that a word?) and behave arrogantly and conceitedly like some hypnotists we both know.
Keep up the good work, Cal, even though you're perfect as is. [Love to get your daughter's view of that :-)]
Re: controversial topics -- touching clients can be positive or negative. NOT touching a client with, say, a handshake,can be harmful. But so can touching that encompasses hugs and squeezes. It's a touchy subject.
Thanks for the comment. I stand by my assertion. 🙂
You are perfect! Everything that you are is perfectly designed to have this evolutionary experience
This does not mean that your skills are perfect. Nor does it mean that everything that we do will have the desired results. I mean that you are perfectly able to evolve because of what you do and the experiences that you have.
With experience we can continue to achieve higher understanding and perspective about ourselves, our clients, our profession and just about everything. This is one kind of evolution.
You (and everyone else) were perfectly designed to evolve during this Earthly experience. We came into our lives customized and fully equipped.
Celebrating our ongoing evolution,
Sorry about my sniffles during this episode. Usually if I have to sniff or cough, I do it while Elronn or Meredith is talking. 🙂
Please forgive me! But, even with the sniffles I had get this out to you. As they say, "The show must go on." (I probably picked up a bit of a cold while out riding on my Harley over the Holiday. Oh well, it WAS worth it.)
I hope everyone's year is off to a GREAT start!