Here are some more controversial topics I'm considering:
Should hypnotist do past life regression when they don't believe in it?
Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
Should hypnotists be allowed to date clients?
Should hypnotists who smoke do sessions for smoking cessation?
Should obese hypnotists provide weight loss sessions?
Can you think of any more?
Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
I firmly believe it should NOT be allowed in courts at the current time. At present, the level of skill among hypnotists doing regression varies widely, and there have been many cases of suggesting an illusion ("inserting a false memory" or "leading the witness" or whatever one chooses to call it). The potential for harm to justice and to the search for truth about an event is quite real. Furthermore, from a purely selfish viewpoint as a hypnotist, I would oppose this because of the potential of damage to our profession. It would only take one case where subsequent physical evidence brought doubt onto what the "regression improved" witness said, and the media would destroy hypnotists for miles around. I am quite willing to take risks both in person and professionally, but I believe the risk in this case seriously outweighs any small gain achieved. H Larry Elman, CH, CI
Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
NO! Touching MUST be allowed! I believe that all hypnotherapists should video record all their sessions with clients. WebCams are cheap and so is digital storage. The reason for my belief in video recording is two-fold. First, the client relaxes knowing that, with a video camera going, IMPROPER BEHAVIOR (including improper touching) by the hypnotist is very unlikely. Second, the hypnotist is protected legally, and an unruly client is less likely to misbehave on camera. What has all this got to do with touching? The discussion I just gave covers the main objections to touching.
Now for the ADVANTAGES of touching. Begin with a handshake -- few in our society will refuse one. In Dave Elman's HYPNOTHERAPY there is a discussion of the often extensive information the hypnotist obtains from a simple handshake. Reduced to a minimum, extremes of temperature, humidity, or tenseness indicate a subject who will require more careful handling than normal. Proceeding from there to such tests as the limp arm drop, one can name probably a dozen or more valid tests in hypnosis which either require touching or are greatly aided by it. Furthermore, there are places where other touching is appropriate on the shoulder, forehead, hand, etc. There are hypnotists who feel ethically bound not to touch. The source of their belief (if carefully traced) is Benjamin Franklin's report to the King of France on improper liberties taken by Mesmer's assistants. I have spoken to persons in this group and I believe they severely limit their own abilities. Touching should be allowed so long as it is "limited", "appropriate" or whatever similar word appeals. And to insure that this guideline is followed, buy a WebCam.
H Larry Elman, CH, CI
I am old enough to remember the violent political fight over whether cigarette packages should carry a warning of the hazards of smoking. A very common cartoon of that time period showed a rather overweight out-of-shape physician puffing away on a cigarette while warning a young patient not to smoke and to get exercise.
Are there competent hypnotists who have not broken themselves of smoking but who can help others cease smoking? I am sure there are, and sure they should be allowed to continue. However, based on the cartoon, I would strongly urge new hypnotherapists to NOT do smoking cessation if they smoke. Hypnosis depends on credibility, and "Do as I say, not as I do" is not a very credible statement. H Larry Elman, CH, CI
I think in many cases using age regression in court would ruin the case of whichever side tries to present it as evidence. It just opens up "reasonable doubt" that a witness is being led, confabulating memory, or exaggerating misperceptions in a heightened state of suggestibility whether or not that is actually occurring.
Hello Larry - Please excuse my very late respone to your comments on the! The holidays are now past and I can focus on catching up on all my communications! Thank you for your patience.
First off, let me say that we intend to address each of the controversial tipics that I've listed here. In those upcoming videos we hope to address your input as well.
Please forgive me if I don't address your comments now, as that would take some of the "wind out of our sales" when Elronn and I address the topics in the upcoming videos.
In the mean time let me say that I am very happy that we have opened up the channel of communication and that I hope to bring more of your great input to my audience in the coming year (2011).
Very best New Year's Wishes to you and your family.
Here are some more controversial topics I'm considering:
Should hypnotist do past life regression when they don't believe in it?
Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
Should hypnotists be allowed to date clients?
Should hypnotists who smoke do sessions for smoking cessation?
Should obese hypnotists provide weight loss sessions?
Can you think of any more?
Should age regression to improve memory be allowed in court?
I firmly believe it should NOT be allowed in courts at the current time. At present, the level of skill among hypnotists doing regression varies widely, and there have been many cases of suggesting an illusion ("inserting a false memory" or "leading the witness" or whatever one chooses to call it). The potential for harm to justice and to the search for truth about an event is quite real. Furthermore, from a purely selfish viewpoint as a hypnotist, I would oppose this because of the potential of damage to our profession. It would only take one case where subsequent physical evidence brought doubt onto what the "regression improved" witness said, and the media would destroy hypnotists for miles around. I am quite willing to take risks both in person and professionally, but I believe the risk in this case seriously outweighs any small gain achieved. H Larry Elman, CH, CI
Should touching clients during sessions be prohibited?
NO! Touching MUST be allowed! I believe that all hypnotherapists should video record all their sessions with clients. WebCams are cheap and so is digital storage. The reason for my belief in video recording is two-fold. First, the client relaxes knowing that, with a video camera going, IMPROPER BEHAVIOR (including improper touching) by the hypnotist is very unlikely. Second, the hypnotist is protected legally, and an unruly client is less likely to misbehave on camera. What has all this got to do with touching? The discussion I just gave covers the main objections to touching.
Now for the ADVANTAGES of touching. Begin with a handshake -- few in our society will refuse one. In Dave Elman's HYPNOTHERAPY there is a discussion of the often extensive information the hypnotist obtains from a simple handshake. Reduced to a minimum, extremes of temperature, humidity, or tenseness indicate a subject who will require more careful handling than normal. Proceeding from there to such tests as the limp arm drop, one can name probably a dozen or more valid tests in hypnosis which either require touching or are greatly aided by it. Furthermore, there are places where other touching is appropriate on the shoulder, forehead, hand, etc. There are hypnotists who feel ethically bound not to touch. The source of their belief (if carefully traced) is Benjamin Franklin's report to the King of France on improper liberties taken by Mesmer's assistants. I have spoken to persons in this group and I believe they severely limit their own abilities. Touching should be allowed so long as it is "limited", "appropriate" or whatever similar word appeals. And to insure that this guideline is followed, buy a WebCam.
H Larry Elman, CH, CI
Should hypnotists who smoke do smoking cessation?
I am old enough to remember the violent political fight over whether cigarette packages should carry a warning of the hazards of smoking. A very common cartoon of that time period showed a rather overweight out-of-shape physician puffing away on a cigarette while warning a young patient not to smoke and to get exercise.
Are there competent hypnotists who have not broken themselves of smoking but who can help others cease smoking? I am sure there are, and sure they should be allowed to continue. However, based on the cartoon, I would strongly urge new hypnotherapists to NOT do smoking cessation if they smoke. Hypnosis depends on credibility, and "Do as I say, not as I do" is not a very credible statement. H Larry Elman, CH, CI
I think in many cases using age regression in court would ruin the case of whichever side tries to present it as evidence. It just opens up "reasonable doubt" that a witness is being led, confabulating memory, or exaggerating misperceptions in a heightened state of suggestibility whether or not that is actually occurring.
Hello Larry - Please excuse my very late respone to your comments on the! The holidays are now past and I can focus on catching up on all my communications! Thank you for your patience.
First off, let me say that we intend to address each of the controversial tipics that I've listed here. In those upcoming videos we hope to address your input as well.
Please forgive me if I don't address your comments now, as that would take some of the "wind out of our sales" when Elronn and I address the topics in the upcoming videos.
In the mean time let me say that I am very happy that we have opened up the channel of communication and that I hope to bring more of your great input to my audience in the coming year (2011).
Very best New Year's Wishes to you and your family.
Thats an interesting site. It was worth visiting here. Hope to visit again.