Let me say also, with this in mind, we all need to see the genius in each of our clients and they will all have better results and we can all be more confident in them, as well as ourselves!
I agree that confidence, intent and mindset are very big factors in this work. However, I think confidence is something that needs to grow naturally as a result of experiences, otherwise it is little more than faith and hope mixed in with a little bit of desperation.
For example, as a result of direct experience, I am 100% confident that hypnosis is "real" and that it is a very powerful way to help people. However, whether or not a specific induction or technique or test will "work" with a specific individual is unknowable, and so I think it is irrational for someone to have confidence that some specific action will have some specific result all the time.
I like Elronn's analogy of the professional baseball player going up to bat fully expecting to hit the ball. Intention and expectation shouldn't be confused with certainty that something MUST happen.
I think this is a subtle distinction that causes beginners to get discouraged, because if they have been led to believe that they can be absolutely confident about a specific result happening, they will inevitably be disappointed when it sometimes does not happen that way. And this will cause them to begin to doubt everything. This can be seen in people who start out as fanatical true believers who express total faith in something, then as soon as they start seeing unexpected outcomes, they fall into the other extreme of despair and discouragement and disbelief.
Either that, or they get into the bad habit of pretending that something is working when it really isn't (which seems to be almost standard practice in some quarters of the hypnosis/NLP world).
I think the most important role a hypnosis instructor can play is to begin to instill that 100% confidence that hypnosis is "real", and I think that's what you, along with some others, do very well Cal. But as far as specific results for specific people, I think a healthy and truly confident mindset is "Who knows? Let's do something and see what happens." Then see what happens. Otherwise it's too easy for the hypnotist to see only what they want to see.
That mindset of playful experimentation is really important for beginners, I think, because it removes the counter-productive pressure and desperation that unconsciously is projected to the client and diminishes the hypnotist's authority in their mind, which leads to all sorts of problems.
Thanks for posting another thoughtful comment and I agree.
As a hypnosis professional we need to properly prepare our clients so that they have confidence in hypnosis being real, the hypnosis professional’s ability to do the work, and also in his/her ability to be hypnotized. I should do a podcast on that!
I agree and often say, “Real confidence comes from successâ€. That is why it is important that during hypnosis and hypnotherapy certification courses that students get time to practice in class and that a significant amount of that time should be supervised practice. By receiving supervised practice, the supervisor not only advises where the student is needing help, but also points out the things that the student is doing successfully (resulting in confidence).
Unfortunately, there is never enough time to provide sufficient practice time to ensure that every student is fully confident with every technique taught in class.
At some point, the motivated graduate has to take responsibility for building his/her own confidence by utilizing what he or she has leaned from the teacher. Of course as you well know, none of our podcast videos can cover every aspect of the topics that we cover. They are like video articles in a journal, in which we cover as much as we can in 20-25 minutes.
Steve, you are an excellent example of a hypnosis professional who has taken responsibility for providing yourself with ongoing training, balanced with the ongoing experience of helping real live clients. Each positive experience that you have with your clients builds your confidence in your ability to help others. Then, those future clients benefit from your confidence. It is a cycle.
Cal, supervised practice is ideal but depends on the quality of the supervisor! That is why I always recommend your training, I know you take a balanced approach in that you can be "hearty in approbation (whatever that means) and lavish in praise", but also you will not hesitate to point out areas of improvement if needed. Maybe it's just me, but if I'm learning something new and all I hear is positive praise, that leads me to suspect that the teacher is mainly interested in being perceived as a nice and kind person, and/or that they might not have the expertise to constructively criticize.
As far as taking responsibility for using what's been learned... people naturally have different philosophies about this work and different opinions about the value of certain techniques and approaches, but I firmly believe that if anyone of reasonable intelligence and empathy were to simply use what you teach (with careful study*), they and their clients would experience a respectable level of success no matter how little experience they have or haven't got, no doubt in my mind.
Anyone who needs to wait to feel really confident about doing the work, before doing the work, is going to wait a very very long time, because that thinking is totally backwards, and what little confidence they had in the first place will decay over time, til there's nothing left except regret and/or blame.
*I use the disclaimer "with careful study" because in general I think when people have problems executing something that works consistently for other people, it is because they are not actually doing what is being taught (either because of lack of attention to detail, or purposeful rejection of some aspects of the training).
BTW this doesn't mean that I think it's necessary to follow the system mindlessly to the letter, or that it's the solution for everything. There are some details within 5PATH that I do not implement but that's by conscious choice. For example, I skip the pillow pounding in FOO... i can't stand the idea of doing violence against innocent bedding material. But if clients consistently had difficulty getting to the resolution of FOO, then I would re-evaluate that choice.
Back to the point: considering the usability of the system, and the amount of support and free educational resources you provide like these podcasts, as a Darwinist I conclude that anyone who studies this material and yet still lacks the minimal confidence to just get started... they just may not have what it takes. It is the mirror image of that Sinatra song: "if I can't make it there, I can't make it anywhere!"
PS. I like the tip about looking at your own testimonials to pull yourself out of a spell of low confidence. I've done something similar in the past, right before meeting a new client, if I felt kind of insecure for some reason, I would look at nice letters from people I'd helped before with a similar issue, and it would remind me "We did it before and we can do it again" as the old WWII song went (that is a fun song to pump yourself up to BTW).
Thanks for helping to clarify the message of the last podcast. It's always good to step back, add information, specify, and recover important points ommitted in any presentation.
Having blind faith that your client will be successful would be a terrible self inflicted wound for anyones confidence. I think that expecting the best out of your clients can definitely have an impact on your results. However, like you said, expecting the best out of yourself gets a little more complicated and needs to have a much longer podcast devoted to it! We are always improving and perfecting our craft as Hypnotherapists at any level, and I find myself being continually challenged with more complex issues in my practice all the time. Confidence in your abilities is somthing that builds from practice, hard work and learning from your mistakes... as well as success and inpiration from others that lead the field. Being totally certain would be a foolish mindset to have. To clarify things further and perhaps repeat myself, I would say that expecting your client to do well, no matter how bleak their problem, is something that will shift your approach as you deal with them, possibly having an affect on your results with that client. Like with the baseball analogy, it's about focusing on what want to happen, not about the two thirds that you miss the ball! Of course, if you had the same ratio in your practice as you do playing baseball you really need find out what you are doing wrong and fix it as soon as can before you do damage to the profession, which, like you mentioned, is sometimes the case.
Good story, except it was the teachers who were told that they had the top students. and because of it they treated the kids differently.
Hello Felipe, I'm sure Elronn will respond.
But let me say, thanks for your comment!
Let me say also, with this in mind, we all need to see the genius in each of our clients and they will all have better results and we can all be more confident in them, as well as ourselves!
Here's to your success!
Glad you liked the example! I do believe that's exactly what I said. Watch the video again and check;)
Another great podcast, thank you.
I agree that confidence, intent and mindset are very big factors in this work. However, I think confidence is something that needs to grow naturally as a result of experiences, otherwise it is little more than faith and hope mixed in with a little bit of desperation.
For example, as a result of direct experience, I am 100% confident that hypnosis is "real" and that it is a very powerful way to help people. However, whether or not a specific induction or technique or test will "work" with a specific individual is unknowable, and so I think it is irrational for someone to have confidence that some specific action will have some specific result all the time.
I like Elronn's analogy of the professional baseball player going up to bat fully expecting to hit the ball. Intention and expectation shouldn't be confused with certainty that something MUST happen.
I think this is a subtle distinction that causes beginners to get discouraged, because if they have been led to believe that they can be absolutely confident about a specific result happening, they will inevitably be disappointed when it sometimes does not happen that way. And this will cause them to begin to doubt everything. This can be seen in people who start out as fanatical true believers who express total faith in something, then as soon as they start seeing unexpected outcomes, they fall into the other extreme of despair and discouragement and disbelief.
Either that, or they get into the bad habit of pretending that something is working when it really isn't (which seems to be almost standard practice in some quarters of the hypnosis/NLP world).
I think the most important role a hypnosis instructor can play is to begin to instill that 100% confidence that hypnosis is "real", and I think that's what you, along with some others, do very well Cal. But as far as specific results for specific people, I think a healthy and truly confident mindset is "Who knows? Let's do something and see what happens." Then see what happens. Otherwise it's too easy for the hypnotist to see only what they want to see.
That mindset of playful experimentation is really important for beginners, I think, because it removes the counter-productive pressure and desperation that unconsciously is projected to the client and diminishes the hypnotist's authority in their mind, which leads to all sorts of problems.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for posting another thoughtful comment and I agree.
As a hypnosis professional we need to properly prepare our clients so that they have confidence in hypnosis being real, the hypnosis professional’s ability to do the work, and also in his/her ability to be hypnotized. I should do a podcast on that!
I agree and often say, “Real confidence comes from successâ€. That is why it is important that during hypnosis and hypnotherapy certification courses that students get time to practice in class and that a significant amount of that time should be supervised practice. By receiving supervised practice, the supervisor not only advises where the student is needing help, but also points out the things that the student is doing successfully (resulting in confidence).
Unfortunately, there is never enough time to provide sufficient practice time to ensure that every student is fully confident with every technique taught in class.
At some point, the motivated graduate has to take responsibility for building his/her own confidence by utilizing what he or she has leaned from the teacher. Of course as you well know, none of our podcast videos can cover every aspect of the topics that we cover. They are like video articles in a journal, in which we cover as much as we can in 20-25 minutes.
Steve, you are an excellent example of a hypnosis professional who has taken responsibility for providing yourself with ongoing training, balanced with the ongoing experience of helping real live clients. Each positive experience that you have with your clients builds your confidence in your ability to help others. Then, those future clients benefit from your confidence. It is a cycle.
Thanks again for your comment!
Cal, supervised practice is ideal but depends on the quality of the supervisor! That is why I always recommend your training, I know you take a balanced approach in that you can be "hearty in approbation (whatever that means) and lavish in praise", but also you will not hesitate to point out areas of improvement if needed. Maybe it's just me, but if I'm learning something new and all I hear is positive praise, that leads me to suspect that the teacher is mainly interested in being perceived as a nice and kind person, and/or that they might not have the expertise to constructively criticize.
As far as taking responsibility for using what's been learned... people naturally have different philosophies about this work and different opinions about the value of certain techniques and approaches, but I firmly believe that if anyone of reasonable intelligence and empathy were to simply use what you teach (with careful study*), they and their clients would experience a respectable level of success no matter how little experience they have or haven't got, no doubt in my mind.
Anyone who needs to wait to feel really confident about doing the work, before doing the work, is going to wait a very very long time, because that thinking is totally backwards, and what little confidence they had in the first place will decay over time, til there's nothing left except regret and/or blame.
*I use the disclaimer "with careful study" because in general I think when people have problems executing something that works consistently for other people, it is because they are not actually doing what is being taught (either because of lack of attention to detail, or purposeful rejection of some aspects of the training).
BTW this doesn't mean that I think it's necessary to follow the system mindlessly to the letter, or that it's the solution for everything. There are some details within 5PATH that I do not implement but that's by conscious choice. For example, I skip the pillow pounding in FOO... i can't stand the idea of doing violence against innocent bedding material. But if clients consistently had difficulty getting to the resolution of FOO, then I would re-evaluate that choice.
Back to the point: considering the usability of the system, and the amount of support and free educational resources you provide like these podcasts, as a Darwinist I conclude that anyone who studies this material and yet still lacks the minimal confidence to just get started... they just may not have what it takes. It is the mirror image of that Sinatra song: "if I can't make it there, I can't make it anywhere!"
PS. I like the tip about looking at your own testimonials to pull yourself out of a spell of low confidence. I've done something similar in the past, right before meeting a new client, if I felt kind of insecure for some reason, I would look at nice letters from people I'd helped before with a similar issue, and it would remind me "We did it before and we can do it again" as the old WWII song went (that is a fun song to pump yourself up to BTW).
Anyway thanks for tolerating my hypno-rambling!
Hi Steve,
Thanks for helping to clarify the message of the last podcast. It's always good to step back, add information, specify, and recover important points ommitted in any presentation.
Having blind faith that your client will be successful would be a terrible self inflicted wound for anyones confidence. I think that expecting the best out of your clients can definitely have an impact on your results. However, like you said, expecting the best out of yourself gets a little more complicated and needs to have a much longer podcast devoted to it! We are always improving and perfecting our craft as Hypnotherapists at any level, and I find myself being continually challenged with more complex issues in my practice all the time. Confidence in your abilities is somthing that builds from practice, hard work and learning from your mistakes... as well as success and inpiration from others that lead the field. Being totally certain would be a foolish mindset to have. To clarify things further and perhaps repeat myself, I would say that expecting your client to do well, no matter how bleak their problem, is something that will shift your approach as you deal with them, possibly having an affect on your results with that client. Like with the baseball analogy, it's about focusing on what want to happen, not about the two thirds that you miss the ball! Of course, if you had the same ratio in your practice as you do playing baseball you really need find out what you are doing wrong and fix it as soon as can before you do damage to the profession, which, like you mentioned, is sometimes the case.
Thanks for the great comments!
Keep up the good work,
again great stuff, thanks..
Good story, except it was the teachers who were told that they had the top students. and because of it they treated the kids differently.