Loved this session with Cal and Elron! It brought me back to that original advanced class and the week of power and all that we learned then. Cal is so precise in his teachings that if applied, it works beautifully for the client's benefit. It was good hear and be reminded of those "red flag" items. Great job, you two!
I think the free podcasts are so wonderful...just one problem, I can never seem to get them to stream properly. They start and stop and delay so much that I cant watch them.
I am in the country and use wireless so I believe this is why I get interuptions on the stream? Is there another way to view them?
I tell ya, it is so nice to get this feedback. Elronn, Meredith and I work hard to make these videos, and at the same time have a lot of fun doing them. (Actually Elronn and Meredith work harder than I do, I just kind of show up and they have done most of the work by gathering questions and subject ideas. Oh, and I can't forget Celeste and how she has contributed in the same way, most recently while I was away training in Singapore and Malaysia earlier this year.)
Whenever I produce a CD, DVD or podcast my goal is to produce something that I would have found to be useful earlier on in my career.
Thanks again for sharing your feedback and for telling others about our videos!
Thanks for your positive comments. Here are some ideas about how you can get the video to work better for you.
1. Close down all other programs, i.e., Outlook, or other browser windows.
2. Use another browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
3. You can right click on the "Click To Play the Video" link and download the video to your computer and then play it.
4. Sometimes it is your WiFi connection or the speed of your Internet connection.
5. Once last thing, when you play the video from (homepage) there may be more than one video downloading at once. This can slow things down. Click on the title of the video that you want to watch. That will take you to a page where only that video will be downloading at one time. That can also make a big difference.
I hope that helps.
If anyone else has had this problem and overcome it please post it here.
Hi Rob - Yeah, it would be really great if we could just post all of the videos from all of his session. Of course he would have to be crazy to do it. But I'm sure everyone would enjoy them just the same. 🙂
Thanks for you comments about the podcast! Hopefully I can get Elronn trained on how to respond to you and everyone who comments as well.
Come on Elronn, where are you? Our viewers/listeners want to hear from you! (I heard that he has taken up surfing and now that the weather is great you can't get him to sit in front of a computer! Or maybe he has a new acting gig. I don't know, it so hard to tell with these young guys). 😉
Speaking of nice, I think I'll leave the office early and go for a ride on my bike. :-p
Oh look! Elronn posted something!! And, he snuck it in while I was writing my post. What a sneaky guy. I probably should feel bad for giving a hard time... But then you all know me better than that!!!
Elron and Cal,
Great episode. I appreciate you sharing your experience Elron, and Cal, your input and the back pocket humor ha ha.
You guys do a great job! I look forward to the next episode.
Hi Cal,
A few words from Paris France to express how much I enjoy your videos.
I am a professional Ericksonian hypnotist and I have worked with patients since 1998..
I am hosting a radio show on hypnosis since 2000.
I have been getting seminars with high profile hypnotist like Stephen Brooks or Année Linden.
However, I should say your videos are allways very practical and easy to use with patients either for prompt inductions or working with age regression..
Keep the good work and thank you for giving all this for free!
Daniel Goldschmidt
Loved this session with Cal and Elron! It brought me back to that original advanced class and the week of power and all that we learned then. Cal is so precise in his teachings that if applied, it works beautifully for the client's benefit. It was good hear and be reminded of those "red flag" items. Great job, you two!
I think the free podcasts are so wonderful...just one problem, I can never seem to get them to stream properly. They start and stop and delay so much that I cant watch them.
I am in the country and use wireless so I believe this is why I get interuptions on the stream? Is there another way to view them?
I tell ya, it is so nice to get this feedback. Elronn, Meredith and I work hard to make these videos, and at the same time have a lot of fun doing them. (Actually Elronn and Meredith work harder than I do, I just kind of show up and they have done most of the work by gathering questions and subject ideas. Oh, and I can't forget Celeste and how she has contributed in the same way, most recently while I was away training in Singapore and Malaysia earlier this year.)
Whenever I produce a CD, DVD or podcast my goal is to produce something that I would have found to be useful earlier on in my career.
Thanks again for sharing your feedback and for telling others about our videos!
Let's all do GREAT things together,
Hi Jill,
Thanks for your positive comments. Here are some ideas about how you can get the video to work better for you.
1. Close down all other programs, i.e., Outlook, or other browser windows.
2. Use another browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
3. You can right click on the "Click To Play the Video" link and download the video to your computer and then play it.
4. Sometimes it is your WiFi connection or the speed of your Internet connection.
5. Once last thing, when you play the video from (homepage) there may be more than one video downloading at once. This can slow things down. Click on the title of the video that you want to watch. That will take you to a page where only that video will be downloading at one time. That can also make a big difference.
I hope that helps.
If anyone else has had this problem and overcome it please post it here.
wow excellent podcast. Thanks for sharing Elron, looking forward the release of The Elron Tapes® (just kidding)
Now THAT would be a fun horror movie to watch!!;)
I actually had that thought cross my mind for a split second strangely enough.
I want to see you do another guy at some point, now that would be interesting!
Hi Rob - Yeah, it would be really great if we could just post all of the videos from all of his session. Of course he would have to be crazy to do it. But I'm sure everyone would enjoy them just the same. 🙂
Thanks for you comments about the podcast! Hopefully I can get Elronn trained on how to respond to you and everyone who comments as well.
Come on Elronn, where are you? Our viewers/listeners want to hear from you! (I heard that he has taken up surfing and now that the weather is great you can't get him to sit in front of a computer! Or maybe he has a new acting gig. I don't know, it so hard to tell with these young guys). 😉
Speaking of nice, I think I'll leave the office early and go for a ride on my bike. :-p
Oh look! Elronn posted something!! And, he snuck it in while I was writing my post. What a sneaky guy. I probably should feel bad for giving a hard time... But then you all know me better than that!!!
haha apparently it was idea that had to be squashed as soon as possible
I think some day I should take someone through sessions and publish it! Perhaps I need to grow my hair a little bit longer first though;)
I think that this series really builds on the article I just wrote for the last edition of the e-zine. What an experience!