Enjoy this video with Elronn as my co-host! The next TWO podcasts are "All-Cal" episodes. That is right, two episodes of me, and me alone, talking at you (and who can stomach that!?!).
Then when all that is done (whew!) we are going to have Meredith back and things will be a whole lot nicer!
I had a client that came in for weight loss, she would say after almost every session, "I don;t think I was hypnotized" funny she lost 40 pounds. She belives it now!
Hi Lydia - The most important determining factor is Results. So good for you - she lost weight and that is what she came in for. Keep up the good work.
Question... Did you use convincers in your sessions with her so that she had the opportunity to experience hypnotic phenomena? If so, which one(s) did you use?
Hi Cal,
It was awhile ago but i believe I used Red, red, red.
also I used time distortion.
I had a client in for weight loss who would binge on chocolate. We did our first session right before Valentines day. So she was really impressed with the red red red.
I'm thinking that it would have been interesting to ask the client "What did you expect hypnosis to be like?" or "What would it take to convince you that you were hypnotized?"
Dont feel bad, I'm sure that there are other hypnosis professionals out there have who have done everything right like you and had that odd client who, despite having received a good pretalk, and having experienced convincers, where somehow left unconvinced.
The best part was that despite the statements of not thinking she was hypnotized, the work you did worked so well.
I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there who would like to add to this conversation?
When clients mention the "I don't know if I was hypnotized before" about a previous experience, I just shrug and say you may or may not have been. Who knows? If they wonder "How will I know?" I just shrug some more and say I have no idea. It's just the truth. I think you can project the confidence of an expert and professional when you are comfortable with ambiguity and unknowns.
On a related note, if a client reports doing better but they are not sure why, I use the same "Who knows?" approach. It is strange, but when I take that approach, then I find the client on their own moves to find reasons why the hypnosis seems to have caused the beneficial changes, while I continue to shrug, "Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Causality is a hard thing to figure out with this stuff, you agree?" So I let the client talk themselves into convincing themselves.
I believe that if I were to desperately rush to come up with all sorts of reasons why the hypnosis sessions should take credit for any positive progress, then this would cause client to be repelled and resist those explanations.
I agree trance ratification thru the use of convincers, either obvious and dramatic or more subtle, is very important. For the majority of people it is so simple; like you mention in your reply, the small percentage of people who will always doubt despite everything, are just a fact of life.
But if that's a common reaction, I think that would mean that the hypnotist is failing in their process somewhere. If more than just the odd client doubts they were hypnotized, then maybe they are right, maybe the hypnotist is not getting them there! Maybe the hypnotist just needs to get better at what they do. Having that feedback is reason enough to do convincers and covert tests, I think; unless a hypnotist just wants to fool themselves into believing that everything is OK and that the client does not know what they are talking about.
By the way, re: the question about what to say to a client that doesn't believe the memories in hypnosis are accurate or true. If a certified hypnotist was asking that question because they thought that hypnotic memories really are accurate, that is kind of troubling and points to something seriously lacking in either their training or understanding.
The subject of accurate/reliable memories is interesting in the context of this article that just appeared in the Boston Herald. Who knows what happened during this session, but I hope this hypnotist has a good lawyer:
Because the session was not recorded, at this point it's the word of a troubled 20-year old daughter vs. a hapless hypnotist vs. a father accused of child molestation.
I understand the power of properly done Age Regressions but if that hypnotist truly made claims about "having to let out the past" as the "only way" to solve problems, and carelessly led the client into confabulating events, I wonder if that meets the criteria for getting de-certified for being an idiot.
Anyway it's a good argument in favor of recording all sessions, which I know you are all for.
oh yeah, also after she lost the weight she wanted to be my best friend, which addresses the other subject you spoke of.
I had a man get down on his knees to thank me. He said that he honnered me, that was weird. We had 10 sessions over a period of a few months. So it was longer than normal to see a client.
I love these podcasts, very helpful, thanks.
Enjoy this video with Elronn as my co-host! The next TWO podcasts are "All-Cal" episodes. That is right, two episodes of me, and me alone, talking at you (and who can stomach that!?!).
Then when all that is done (whew!) we are going to have Meredith back and things will be a whole lot nicer!
Hey Guys,
I had a client that came in for weight loss, she would say after almost every session, "I don;t think I was hypnotized" funny she lost 40 pounds. She belives it now!
Hi Lydia - The most important determining factor is Results. So good for you - she lost weight and that is what she came in for. Keep up the good work.
Question... Did you use convincers in your sessions with her so that she had the opportunity to experience hypnotic phenomena? If so, which one(s) did you use?
Hi Cal,
It was awhile ago but i believe I used Red, red, red.
also I used time distortion.
I had a client in for weight loss who would binge on chocolate. We did our first session right before Valentines day. So she was really impressed with the red red red.
Hi Lydia - That is really amazing. 🙂
I'm thinking that it would have been interesting to ask the client "What did you expect hypnosis to be like?" or "What would it take to convince you that you were hypnotized?"
Dont feel bad, I'm sure that there are other hypnosis professionals out there have who have done everything right like you and had that odd client who, despite having received a good pretalk, and having experienced convincers, where somehow left unconvinced.
The best part was that despite the statements of not thinking she was hypnotized, the work you did worked so well.
I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there who would like to add to this conversation?
Keep up the great work that you are doing.
Thanks Cal, Actually, after she lost the weight she was very convinced. 🙂
Hi Cal and Elronn, another useful podcast.
When clients mention the "I don't know if I was hypnotized before" about a previous experience, I just shrug and say you may or may not have been. Who knows? If they wonder "How will I know?" I just shrug some more and say I have no idea. It's just the truth. I think you can project the confidence of an expert and professional when you are comfortable with ambiguity and unknowns.
On a related note, if a client reports doing better but they are not sure why, I use the same "Who knows?" approach. It is strange, but when I take that approach, then I find the client on their own moves to find reasons why the hypnosis seems to have caused the beneficial changes, while I continue to shrug, "Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Causality is a hard thing to figure out with this stuff, you agree?" So I let the client talk themselves into convincing themselves.
I believe that if I were to desperately rush to come up with all sorts of reasons why the hypnosis sessions should take credit for any positive progress, then this would cause client to be repelled and resist those explanations.
I agree trance ratification thru the use of convincers, either obvious and dramatic or more subtle, is very important. For the majority of people it is so simple; like you mention in your reply, the small percentage of people who will always doubt despite everything, are just a fact of life.
But if that's a common reaction, I think that would mean that the hypnotist is failing in their process somewhere. If more than just the odd client doubts they were hypnotized, then maybe they are right, maybe the hypnotist is not getting them there! Maybe the hypnotist just needs to get better at what they do. Having that feedback is reason enough to do convincers and covert tests, I think; unless a hypnotist just wants to fool themselves into believing that everything is OK and that the client does not know what they are talking about.
By the way, re: the question about what to say to a client that doesn't believe the memories in hypnosis are accurate or true. If a certified hypnotist was asking that question because they thought that hypnotic memories really are accurate, that is kind of troubling and points to something seriously lacking in either their training or understanding.
The subject of accurate/reliable memories is interesting in the context of this article that just appeared in the Boston Herald. Who knows what happened during this session, but I hope this hypnotist has a good lawyer:
Because the session was not recorded, at this point it's the word of a troubled 20-year old daughter vs. a hapless hypnotist vs. a father accused of child molestation.
I understand the power of properly done Age Regressions but if that hypnotist truly made claims about "having to let out the past" as the "only way" to solve problems, and carelessly led the client into confabulating events, I wonder if that meets the criteria for getting de-certified for being an idiot.
Anyway it's a good argument in favor of recording all sessions, which I know you are all for.
Thanks again for a useful podcast!
oh yeah, also after she lost the weight she wanted to be my best friend, which addresses the other subject you spoke of.
I had a man get down on his knees to thank me. He said that he honnered me, that was weird. We had 10 sessions over a period of a few months. So it was longer than normal to see a client.
I love these podcasts, very helpful, thanks.