Just in case you notice that I mentioned Secondary Gain in this video, and you want to know more about it, then you will want to know that I am teaching a 2 hour workshop on the subject at the National Guild of Hypnotists convention in August, 2009. Go to http://www.ngh.net to reserve your seat now.
Here is the actual title of the workshop, "Secondary Gain!?! It Can Stop Your Client’s Success (Their Reason For Failure)—Parts Mediation Work Can Bring You Success When Everything Else Has Failed"
Just in case you notice that I mentioned Secondary Gain in this video, and you want to know more about it, then you will want to know that I am teaching a 2 hour workshop on the subject at the National Guild of Hypnotists convention in August, 2009. Go to http://www.ngh.net to reserve your seat now.
Here is the actual title of the workshop, "Secondary Gain!?! It Can Stop Your Client’s Success (Their Reason For Failure)—Parts Mediation Work Can Bring You Success When Everything Else Has Failed"
See you at the convention!