Thank you Cal and Celeste I really enjoy this kind of podcast it's like getting into the nitty-gritty of the story.It's very educational and really promoted the importance of the secret language of feelings.You made me decide to teach it to my grandaughter. Thanks and I can't wait for the next episode.
Thanks for the "comment love". We so appriciate getting comments.
We are also so glad to hear that the podcast was useful for you. Let us know about how you teach your grandaughter the Secret Language of Feelings. Have fun with it and she should really like it.
It's hypnotists like you that make me so glad I do these podcasts! Your grandaughter is going to feel so much better. Call me if I can help you in any way. I am excited for you and her!
OH, by the way...I got an email from a viewer who was concerned about privacy issues and my niece. So, I thought I would let everyone know that my niece is 20 years old, a legal adult, quite able to make her own decisions and she gave me permission to discuss her case.
To help ensure my niece's privacy I did not use her real name and also left out any identifying information about her mother and father. She is happy to have me talk about her case because she realizes that helping professionals will learn from the podcast.
She has seen many parts of our other podcasts and knows that the information in this one, like the others, may help many other hypnotists assist people in her situation which is what she wants.
Thank you Cal and Celeste I really enjoy this kind of podcast it's like getting into the nitty-gritty of the story.It's very educational and really promoted the importance of the secret language of feelings.You made me decide to teach it to my grandaughter. Thanks and I can't wait for the next episode.
Hi Janet!
Thanks for the "comment love". We so appriciate getting comments.
We are also so glad to hear that the podcast was useful for you. Let us know about how you teach your grandaughter the Secret Language of Feelings. Have fun with it and she should really like it.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Hey Janet,
It's hypnotists like you that make me so glad I do these podcasts! Your grandaughter is going to feel so much better. Call me if I can help you in any way. I am excited for you and her!
OH, by the way...I got an email from a viewer who was concerned about privacy issues and my niece. So, I thought I would let everyone know that my niece is 20 years old, a legal adult, quite able to make her own decisions and she gave me permission to discuss her case.
To help ensure my niece's privacy I did not use her real name and also left out any identifying information about her mother and father. She is happy to have me talk about her case because she realizes that helping professionals will learn from the podcast.
She has seen many parts of our other podcasts and knows that the information in this one, like the others, may help many other hypnotists assist people in her situation which is what she wants.
Be at peace,