Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed my video about Step #4. It was the first time I ever posted a video to my blog, and it worked out very nicely, and so now I plan on posting more videos in the future. So watch for some video blogging in the future. Well, I have had
Archives for January 2007
My 9-Step Weight Loss Program: Step #4
Who says weight loss needs to be boring!? So far I am having a great time, and I've lost 10 pounds already. Today I am going to expand a bit on what I have written already about my 9-Step Weight Loss Plan including hypnosis. Here is what I have written about Step #4 so far...
My 9-Step Weight Loss Program: Step #3
I have to tell you that I feel that I am off to a great start. All of that “taking responsibility” and “being prepared” is working great and I have already noticed a difference in how my clothes are fitting. I know that it seems too soon, but I really can. So, next I want
My 9-Step Weight Loss Program: Step #2
I am totally moved by the number of emails and comments that I have received from other hypnotists and hypnotherapists around the world who have decided to get behind me on this, and some who have even decided that they are going to make the same commitment! Thank you all so much. It is going
My 9-Step Weight Loss Program: Step #1
I’ve decided it might be helpful if I take the time to make a quick entry about each one of these steps. So today I start of with a quick explanation about Step #1. Step #1: Taking Responsibility - I am the only one responsible for my health and success. I am the one who