Hypnosis Training Podcast by Cal Banyan #7 : Two Things You Can Do Over the Next Few Months to Make Your Hypnotherapy Practice More Fun, Profitable and Fulfilling
Hi Cal,
Another great informative podcast. Thankyou for offering the information that can truly benefit every hypnotherapists practice.
Kind Regards,
Thank you Dave. If there are any other topics that you would like to suggest then email me and I'll see what I can do. Thank you so much for the positive feedback. Cal
Cal, I really appreciate this podcast, I do have 4 degrees and the ideas of using my existing knowledge to make into MP3s or CDs is such a great idea. I contacted Marshall Silver back in 1996 and asked him if he would be interested in collaborating on something medically related. He thought that the liability would be too great and decided against working with me on some projects. I have since that time used the Internet to help people understand their disease process and use some hypnosis/meditative techniques to get the most out of their medication and in some cases get off of it completely. Thanks for being a part of the solution Cal. ( I found the ketchup! )
Hi Cal,
Another great informative podcast. Thankyou for offering the information that can truly benefit every hypnotherapists practice.
Kind Regards,
Thank you Dave. If there are any other topics that you would like to suggest then email me and I'll see what I can do. Thank you so much for the positive feedback. Cal
Cal, I really appreciate this podcast, I do have 4 degrees and the ideas of using my existing knowledge to make into MP3s or CDs is such a great idea. I contacted Marshall Silver back in 1996 and asked him if he would be interested in collaborating on something medically related. He thought that the liability would be too great and decided against working with me on some projects. I have since that time used the Internet to help people understand their disease process and use some hypnosis/meditative techniques to get the most out of their medication and in some cases get off of it completely. Thanks for being a part of the solution Cal. ( I found the ketchup! )