Hi Cal,
Thankyou for doing a podcast that I think is so important.I hear so often on various forums, hypnotherapists asking for a standard script for various situations. The information you have provided in this podcast is so important for enabling hypnotherapists to adapt scripts to their clients individual problem. Keep up the great work.
Kind Regards,
Thanks again Dave. Next I think that you will really like Podcast #8 featuring Maureen Banyan! She is our general manager and she knows how to train our recptionists to make appointments. How she will give hypnotists everywhere some important tips on how to fill up their appointment books.
Took your advice from ourhypnospace to check out this podcast.
Wow...and this is an old one. Hard to believe it's nearly 10 years ago. But, You sound just the same. Gotta love that consistency 😊
Anyway, I just wanted to say this was an excellent episode indeed. You make it sound so simple & straightforward, then I realised as I was listening to you that the reason you do that is because that's exactly what it is. Straightforward, provided we get the right information in the first place & really listen to our clients, they tell us all we need to know.
Hi Cal,
Thankyou for doing a podcast that I think is so important.I hear so often on various forums, hypnotherapists asking for a standard script for various situations. The information you have provided in this podcast is so important for enabling hypnotherapists to adapt scripts to their clients individual problem. Keep up the great work.
Kind Regards,
Thanks again Dave. Next I think that you will really like Podcast #8 featuring Maureen Banyan! She is our general manager and she knows how to train our recptionists to make appointments. How she will give hypnotists everywhere some important tips on how to fill up their appointment books.
Thanks again for your kind comments,
Hi Cal,
Took your advice from ourhypnospace to check out this podcast.
Wow...and this is an old one. Hard to believe it's nearly 10 years ago. But, You sound just the same. Gotta love that consistency 😊
Anyway, I just wanted to say this was an excellent episode indeed. You make it sound so simple & straightforward, then I realised as I was listening to you that the reason you do that is because that's exactly what it is. Straightforward, provided we get the right information in the first place & really listen to our clients, they tell us all we need to know.
As usual, Thanks Cal,
Glad I can help. Let me know when you have watched/listened to all the videos!
Let's do GREAT things together,